Tuesday, July 12, 2022

How The Gospel Addresses Issues Of Body Dysmorphia?

In today’s day and age, body dysmorphia is increasingly becoming more common, especially among those who are labeled Generation Z. What exactly is “body dysmorphia”? A simple definition is “a mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance”. Many people who struggle with body dysmorphia struggle with leaving their house to go to social events because of their anxiety about their perceived physical flaw. These people may have an issue with being overweight and they will obsessively stare at themselves numerous times in the mirror. These people may know that proper diet and exercise will help them lose weight, but either they lack motivation or they literally just cannot diet and exercise for whatever reason. This is a real and serious mental illness and Christians need to show people with this disorder compassion and empathy. Some causes for body dysmorphia are environmental or chemical imbalance in the brain. For some people with body dysmorphia, they may need medication and counseling to treat it. I believe the Gospel can really help someone with this disorder have a better sense of self-esteem at least. I am not saying we should look to God’s word as a self-help book for better self-esteem because that is not what His word is there for. However, there are certain truths taught plainly in Scripture that if one were to truly believe them it will have a positive effect on your self-esteem naturally. In this blog, I will attempt to talk about some ways the Gospel helps someone with body dysmorphia. I believe the truths of the Gospel affect our self-esteem in two fundamental ways: 

1) Identity 
2) Purpose 
I will now elaborate on each of these points but I would like to first say if you or someone you know struggles with body dysmorphia please seek professional mental health help immediately. It may seem harmless in the beginning but if this is allowed to fester it will become worse over time. There is no shame in seeking help for a mental health issue. 
The Bible actually does have a lot to say about one’s identity both as general creatures made in God’s image and as people who are in Christ. For example, in Genesis 1:27, we read, 
“So God creates man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” 
Bible scholars and theologians have called this the “imago dei” which means the image of God. As God’s image bearers, both man and woman have the privilege of reflecting the glory of God. Can you imagine that? No matter who you are and no matter where you are in the world, you reflect the glory of God! It doesn’t matter what you look like or sound like. All men and women, from conception until natural death, reflect the glory of God. No race, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, family of origin, socioeconomic status, or anything else will ever be able to tarnish this truth. I find it amazing how God created only human beings to reflect His glory. This means human beings have intrinsic value and dignity and worth that nothing else has. Also, in Psalm 8:3-4 we read, 
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? 
This text should cause your jaw to drop and if it does not, then you need to meditate on this for awhile. The infinite Creator of the entire cosmos cares about us! Human beings are very insignificant in the entire universe, yet God actually says that the little insignificant little details of our lives matter to Him! If that does not grab you then the next verses will. In verses 5-6 we read, 
“Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet...” 
Now, I understand this text ultimately is about Jesus but I also believe it is about human beings whom God created too, especially those who belong to Christ. This leads me to my next point. For those who are in Jesus Christ, we have even MORE of a reason to have a healthy positive self-esteem about ourselves. In 1 Peter 2:9-10 we read, 
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 
As Christians, we seen by God as holy. The word “holy” means “set apart for God”. So while the rest of the world is common, we are consider specifically set apart for God. We are also considered to be royalty in God’s eyes. Every Christian should consider himself or herself a prince or a princess in God’s kingdom because we belong to Jesus Christ. This definitely should affect how we view ourselves and how we allow others to view us too. We are God’s very own possession too. This means that if all humans have intrinsic value and dignity because of being made in the image of God, how much more do Christians really have intrinsic value and dignity too? 
The truth about our identity of being made in God’s image and belonging to Jesus has another effect on our self-esteem and that is our sense of purpose. If you go back to the passage I cited in 1 Peter 2:9-10, you should notice the section in there where it says, 
“that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” 
Our purpose on this earth is to tell as many people as we can about what the Lord Jesus Christ has done in order to make peace between us and God. People are dying every day without any hope in this world because they do not know the Gospel. We should be on the frontlines going out there to tell people how they can be made right with God. In John 17:3 we read, 
“And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” 
We were created to be in everlasting communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I like how the Westminster Larger Catechism puts it when it says, 
“The chief end of man is to glorify and enjoy God forever” 
We will never be fully satisfied and content until our hearts are fully satisfied and content with knowing Jesus Christ. I am not talking about an intellectual knowledge either. No, when the Bible talks about “to know”, it is referring to an intimacy that is only known in personal relationships. One of the Church fathers once said something along the lines of “our hearts will forever be at unrest until we find rest in Thee”. How true is that? 
I thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope you find it to be edifying to you and I hope it glorifies God. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 
-David Lee Chu Sarchet Christian Mental Health Advocate 

For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at christmentalhealth@gmail.com 

Lydia Sarchet: mrssccmh@gmail.com  

Britton Garleb: britaingabriel@protonmail.com 

Joe Roman: Twiztedmembrain@gmail.com  

Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: scottsoconmhs@outlook.com  

Dwayne McLeod: psyconatics@gmail.com  

Veronica Talbot: vtalbot747@gmail.com  

Amber Williams: shayneedm18@gmail.com  

Chuck Ward: wcw50@aol.com

Sarah Olivia: sarahjesseolivia@gmail.com   

Amber Marie: amarie0193@gmail.com  

Zachary Uram: Netrek@gmail.com  

Joseph McDermott: jpmlovesjesus@live.com 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor): RoselynMorgan53@yahoo.com
Support The Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry: https://www.patreon.com/ChristCenteredMentalHealth
To Make A One Time Donation 

Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Why Are The Voice Always Seem Negative? A Christian Perspective

A common question I normally get asked as soon as I tell people about my hallucinations and delusions is about why are they always so negative. This question used to haunt me for the longest time because I did not have a good answer for these people. There are not too many articles explaining this and the few videos on YouTube that I have found offer secular explanations with secular ways to deal with them. The so-called “Christian” explanations always resorted to saying they are demonic, which is a belief the Bible adamantly opposes. I was going to just give up on ever knowing how to properly answer the question, but I just kept thinking about it anyways. The first part of this blog, I will explain the two different reasons why someone with schizophrenia and/or bipolar could suffer with negative voices or delusions. Then, in the second part of the blog, I will share with you my hallucinations and delusions. Finally, in the third part, I will share what helps me with dealing with them in the hopes that they will help you too. 

Causes For Negative Voices: 

Like I said, I could not find very much source material concerning this topic. However, what I assume it comes down to is religious and cultural background. Please allow me to elaborate. It has been a proven fact that we are all products of our cultural and religious unbringing. For example, here in America, we are trained to focus on ourselves and doing what makes us happy. I have heard it once said that this is a very “me-focused” society and because of this we are riddled with self-esteem issues. We sometimes tend to be our own worst enemy. The voices could simply be a manifestation of our inward thoughts about ourselves. The other possible reason, cultural, I think one’s surrounding culture can determine if and when you hallucinate and even about what. For example, did you know that while Americans with schizophrenia report hearing voices who tell them negative things, schizophrenic people in other parts of the world have reported that their voices are in fact overwhelmingly positive? In certain cultural contexts, some people with schizophrenia are seen as special people who have some special connection with the “spiritual realm” and these people are given much honor and respect. I know that in traditional Chinese culture, people with schizophrenia have been seen as being able to communicate with one’s dead ancestors. 

What are my hallucinations and delusions: 

My hallucinations and delusions seem to be religious in nature and I usually hear them during moments at church service, in group Bible study, and prayer meetings too. I tend to hear a couple different voices but they are always telling me the same things. The voices are always telling me that I am God, that people are worshiping me, and that people are praying to me. These are basically what I hear at certain times during the week and most of the time I can ignore them but sometimes they are so loud that I cannot ignore them. It is during those times that I must remove myself from the setting until they calm down. 

How I combat the hallucinations and delusions: 

First off, I would like to say the most important way to deal with hallucinations and delusions is by going to your psychiatrist and getting on medication or having your medication adjusted. There is no shame in seeking professional help for your mental health. The Lord has blessed psychiatrists and psychologists with the common grace blessings of wisdom and knowledge to understand the human mind enough to know how to treat various mental illnesses. You may have to work with your psychiatrist and go through a lot of trial and error before finding the right medication for you, but be patient and always be in prayer as you cooperate with your psychiatrist. Now, the other things that have helped me deal with my hallucinations and delusions are mainly spiritual disciplines but I think they will help you too. These disciplines are: 

1) Prayer— This helps me remember that I am not God by keeping me humble. When you pray, you are admitting that you are a frail, weak, and finite human being who is utterly dependent on the infinite God for your very sustenance and existence. 

2) Remind myself of my sin— This we need to be careful with because it is true that for those who are in Christ Jesus, we are new creations who have been washed white than snow and God has cast our sins as far as the east is from the west and He no longer remembers our sins anymore. However, I have found that in my situation when my voices start telling me that I am God, it does help me when I remind myself of how much of a wretched sinner I am. The reason this helps is because God is holy, righteous, and good and therefore sin, evil, and corruption is not in Him nor can it be in His presence. 

3) Remind myself of who God is— whenever I hear the voices telling me that I am God, I have found that it helps me to remember the attributes of what makes God who He is. For example, God is omniscient (all-knowing) and I am not. God is omnipotent (all-powerful and can ordain everything that comes to pass) and I am not. God is omnibenevolent (all-good) and I am not. God is also omnipresent (all-present or present everywhere at once) and I am not. Furthermore, God is the Sovereign ruler over all of creation and I don’t rule anything. 

4) Remind myself that God’s word defines reality— this is the most important lesson I have had to learn over the years. The Holy Bible, as our sole authority for life and godliness, is what defines reality. Our personal experiences, thoughts, opinions, cultures, religious affiliation, political affiliation, family, or anything does not define reality. The fear of God is indeed the beginning of wisdom and fools despise wisdom. When you have a healthy fear of God, only then are you truly sane. 

I hope you have found this blog helpful and insightful and edifying for you or your loved ones. Even if you don’t struggle with hearing voices that tell you you are God, these tips can still help you tremendously if you apply the principles to your specific situation. I thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at christmentalhealth@gmail.com 

Lydia Sarchet: mrssccmh@gmail.com  

Britton Garleb: britaingabriel@protonmail.com 

Joe Roman: Twiztedmembrain@gmail.com  

Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: scottsoconmhs@outlook.com  

Dwayne McLeod: psyconatics@gmail.com  

Veronica Talbot: vtalbot747@gmail.com  

Amber Williams: shayneedm18@gmail.com  

Chuck Ward: wcw50@aol.com

Sarah Olivia: sarahjesseolivia@gmail.com   

Amber Marie: amarie0193@gmail.com  

Zachary Uram: Netrek@gmail.com  

Joseph McDermott: jpmlovesjesus@live.com 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor): RoselynMorgan53@yahoo.com
Support The Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry 

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Sanctification: Is It Synergistic Or Monergistic?

 "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure" -Philippians 2:12-13 

I have recently become aware of a controversy within Christian circles concerning the topic of Sanctification. I confess that I am not quite understanding why this is controversial, however, I believe that teaching that it is synergistic is essentially teaching works-based salvation and it is very harmful towards one's mental health. I will explain my position in this but for those of you who are not familiar with these terms, I will explain what they mean. Monergism simply says that "the Holy Spirit unites us to Christ independent of any cooperation from our unregenerated human nature" and Synergism teaches that "salvation involves some form of cooperation between divine grace and human freedom". As a Reformed Protestant Christian, I hold to the belief that sanctification is Monergistic because it is what is clearly taught in Scripture. I understand that there is a possibility that this teaching on sanctification is not in line with what the original reformers taught (although, that is up for dispute) but we should be reformed and always reforming to what Scripture teaches, not what any man teaches. If the Protestant Reformers did in fact teach that sanctification is synergistic then they were in serious error. I think that in the above scripture, the Apostle Paul clearly taught that Sanctification is solely a work from God in us. Yes, we do cooperate in some sense in our sanctification, but our cooperation is in of itself a work from God! I believe that those who teach that Sanctification is synergistic are in error in three ways: 

1) They are teaching works-based salvation 

2) They are loading onto people a heavy burden they cannot bear 

3) They are stealing glory from God 

I intend to expound on all three of these points within this blog and after you finish reading this I hope and pray that you will walk away understanding my point and why this is such an important issue for us to discuss. This is literally a salvation issue. I am not saying that those who promote this idea that sanctification is synergistic are not saved, but I am suggesting that they are preaching a heretical doctrine that needs to be exposed. I do not make any apologies to anyone who may be offended by the strong tone of this blog because this teaching is harmful to the mental health of many Christians. As a mental health advocate, it is incumbent on me to speak out against anything that will harm people's mental health. Please keep an open mind as you read this blog anyways and if you still disagree with me, you can always leave a comment on the bottom and we can discuss this topic. However, if you think I am in error on anything I say, I will expect you to show me my error through Scripture alone. Scripture is the sole authority for all true Christians, not our own thoughts, opinions, personal experience, church denomination, family, friends, culture, or anything else. So, we should look to see what Scripture has to say concerning this topic. 

Works-Based Salvation 

For anyone who has been a solid Christian for any amount of years should know that salvation is by grace in Christ alone, not in anything we do or say. This fact is so clearly taught in Scripture that it is not even up for dispute at this point. However, when someone says that sanctification requires man and God cooperating together they are unintentionally teaching that mean is required to do something in order to be sanctified. If they are not in line with their own sanctification then these people will say that their salvation is in question. This teaching is causing Christians to focus more on their works rather on Christ alone for their salvation. It is true that we are to work out our salvation in fear and trembling, but it also true that it is God is is at work in us to cause us to be able to cooperate with Him in the sanctification process. If the above text is not clear enough for you, I will now direct your attention to Philippians 1:6 which says, 

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ" 

What the Apostle Paul is saying here is that it is God who will bring us to completion until the day Jesus returns. Paul leaves no room for synergism here. It is evident that God is at work in us enabling us to cooperate with Him. Anything good we do is because of God working in us. I will say that this a mystery how God is working in us to cause to work for His good pleasure, but it is still all His work alone. 

Heavy Burden People Cannot Bear 

This is a huge allegation I am leveling at these people who are teaching that Sanctification is synergistic but I believe it is true. When you teach that man is required to work out their own sanctification apart from the work of God, you are giving them a huge burden on their shoulders. Legalism is our default setting and this means we will always fall back into legalism. This is why we need daily and weekly reminders of the Gospel because grace is foreign to us. So when you tell people who are already legalistic by nature that sanctification is synergistic, they will become discouraged because we all know that we cannot fully obey God's commands on our own. If we try to obey God's commands we will always fail because we sin daily in our thoughts, words, and deeds. I agree with what Dr. Michael Horton says, 

"In the great chain of salvation, if even one link has your name on it, that is a huge burden you cannot bear. But, if every link has God on it, then that is true freedom and true liberation" 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ frees us from all forms of legalism and this includes our legalistic beliefs about sanctification. I think the word of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:1 ring true when he says, 

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery" 

When someone teaches that sanctification is synergistic, they are attempting to cause you to submit to a yoke of slavery all over again. We must adamantly oppose this line of reasoning much like the Apostle Paul did. The Gospel teaches us that we can rest and be a peace with God because of what Jesus Christ has done on our behalf. We are no longer slaves to sin but instead we are sons of God through adoption in Christ. 

Stealing Glory From God 

I fully understand that this is also a heavy accusation, but it is true. When you teach that sanctification requires man's cooperation with God, you are inevitably taking some partial credit for the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. I hope that anyone can see the gross error in this line of reasoning because God is the sole credit and glory for our salvation, redemption, sanctification, and glorification of His elect people. We cannot boast in anything we do or say because it is all a work of God alone. He get all the credit and honor and the only thing we contribute is our own sin. In other words, there is no room for boasting when we fully understand that it is all a work of God. People who are teaching that sanctification is a synergistic work of God are doing so with good intentions but they do not understand how by teaching this they are giving at least some credit to man. We do not deserve any credit whatsoever. 

I hope that this blog really helps you better understand the biblical position on Sanctification being Monergistic and next time someone tries to tell you otherwise you can tell them where they are in error (or you can show them this blog!) Someone once told me that teaching Sanctification is Monergistic is coming "dangerously close to hyper-Calvinism or fatalism" but my response to him is that teaching Sanctification is synergistic is coming dangerously close to legalism, or works-based salvation. Thank you for reading this blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this when you could be doing other thing. I hope you were blessed and edified by this blog too. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at christmentalhealth@gmail.com 

Lydia Sarchet: mrssccmh@gmail.com  

Britton Garleb: britaingabriel@protonmail.com 

Joe Roman: Twiztedmembrain@gmail.com  

Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: scottsoconmhs@outlook.com  

Dwayne McLeod: psyconatics@gmail.com  

Veronica Talbot: vtalbot747@gmail.com  

Amber Williams: shayneedm18@gmail.com  

Chuck Ward: wcw50@aol.com

Sarah Olivia: sarahjesseolivia@gmail.com   

Amber Marie: amarie0193@gmail.com  

Zachary Uram: Netrek@gmail.com  

Joseph McDermott: jpmlovesjesus@live.com 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor): RoselynMorgan53@yahoo.com

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

“My independence from the world is confinement to Christ” -Lydia Jane Hereford-Sarchet

 "Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves to whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness" -Romans 6:16-18 

As the Fourth of July has passed, millions of Americans have been celebrating the Fourth of July. However, not many Americans truly understand what that holiday is really about. For many people they think it is a day to set off fireworks and host barbecues where friends and family are invited. For these Americans, the Fourth of July is just another family holiday because they do not truly understand that it is a holiday that is about the celebration of freedom. Our nation's founding fathers fled a tyrannical government in England to embark on a journey where they would start a unique nation that was built on the principle of freedom, mainly the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. Also, the founding fathers wanted us to have the freedom to have "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". People have fought and died for us to be able to have these basic fundamental rights that we enjoy today, yet we take for granted. However, there is a truth that we all need to be reminded of because it effects every single one of us, regardless of your race, age, gender, religion, or anything else that seems to divide people these day. The truth is that all people are slaves to sin. Every person who is born into this world is born wicked and depraved because we are all born sinners. As Dr. Michael Horton puts it so eloquently, "I sin because I am a sinner; I am not a sinner because I sin". Because of Adam's rebellion against God in the Garden of Eden, all of humanity is born into sin. If we think we are not sinful, then we are deceiving ourselves. There is nothing good inside of you and me. If God left us in this position, and He very well could have, then we would be without hope because we would be bound for eternal damnation in the lake of fire. However, the Lord has not left us in this predicament. God came down in human flesh in order to take the punishment that we deserve upon Himself and then three days later He rose from the dead." Since God did this, He is calling sinners every where to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. We were made for communion with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As the Westminster Larger Catechism puts it, 

Q. What is the chief and highest end of man? 
A. Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever 

Jesus Christ has come to truly liberate us from the bondage that has held us captive for so long. How has Christ set us free? Well, I have identified three ways the Lord has set us free: 

1) Moralism
2) Our Identity 
3) Death 

In this blog, I will expound on all three of these points and after you finish reading this I hope that you will be encouraged and edified in your walk with the Lord. If you have not yet repented and put your faith in Jesus Christ for your salvation, I would encourage you to do so because nothing else you do in this life will matter. 


"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery" -Galatians 5:1 

At this point, you may be wondering "what exactly is moralism?" According to GotQuestions.org, Moralism "is an emphasis on proper moral behavior to the exclusion of genuine faith". Unfortunately, many Christians within the Body of Christ have succumbed to the concept of moralism. The reason that moralism is bad is because the Law is designed to kill us. We cannot fulfill the Law on our own. The Law serves a good purpose in exposing just how utterly sinful we are, but it should drive us to Jesus Christ and the forgiveness that the Lord offers us. When we humbly come before Christ, He washes us clean and The Holy Spirit makes us into new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). We cannot follow the righteous requirements of God's law because we sin daily in our thoughts, words, and deeds. The Bible even tells us that we commit sins we do not even know we are committing! This should cause to despair of life itself but then it should give us reason to celebrate when we realize exactly what Jesus Christ has done for us! Many people think that Christianity is about following a moral code, but this is missing the entire point of the Gospel: that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Christianity is not about quitting smoking or drinking or gambling or any other vice you can think of. Christianity is about what God has done on behalf of His people. We do not contribute anything to salvation, except our own sin. Praise the Lord for His amazing grace that He freely bestows onto us! 

Our Identity 

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" -Galatians 2:20 

This is a marvelous truth! The Apostle Paul so closely identifies himself with Christ that he could literally say that he was hung on the cross with Jesus and that the life he now lives it is Christ living in Him! Can you say the same thing? You should be able to because what was Paul's reality is our reality too. This truth has really shaped my understanding of myself over the years because I used to struggle with a poor self-image and I used to feel deep shame because of my mental illness. It was because of this I used to believe that I had to be a people pleaser. However, when the reality of who I am in Christ really set in, it truly liberated me to become who I am. These days I do not care about what people think of me because I know that when God sees me He sees the righteousness of Christ on me. I no longer feel shame about my mental illness because I fully realize that my identity is not in my mental illness. I am not a Schizophrenic and Bipolar man; I am a Christian who struggles with Schizoaffective Disorder. My identity is not found in my mental illness but instead my identity is found in Jesus Christ. 


"Behold! I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed" -1 Corinthians 15:51-52 

When we belong to Christ, we have no reason to fear death because we will never truly die. Jesus promises that all who trust in Him will never die but will have eternal life. I look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will bring in the New Heavens and the New Earth where there will be no more sin, suffering, death, or mental illness and we will have raised, glorified physical bodies that will no longer be subject to decay. In the New Heavens and New Earth, God will wipe away all of our tears and we will reign as kings and queens alongside Jesus Christ where we will judge even the angels for eternity! This will be a glorious day! If you belong to Christ, be of good cheer because our enemy has been defeated at the cross. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will richly bless you abundantly. 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at christmentalhealth@gmail.com 

Lydia Sarchet: mrssccmh@gmail.com  

Britton Garleb: britaingabriel@protonmail.com 

Joe Roman: Twiztedmembrain@gmail.com  

Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: scottsoconmhs@outlook.com  

Dwayne McLeod: psyconatics@gmail.com  

Veronica Talbot: vtalbot747@gmail.com  

Amber Williams: shayneedm18@gmail.com  

Chuck Ward: wcw50@aol.com

Sarah Olivia: sarahjesseolivia@gmail.com   

Amber Marie: amarie0193@gmail.com  

Zachary Uram: Netrek@gmail.com  

Joseph McDermott: jpmlovesjesus@live.com 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor): RoselynMorgan53@yahoo.com

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Friday, July 1, 2022

The Parable Of The Self-Righteous Man

 TRIGGER WARNING: This blog has sensitive content. If you are easily triggered by suicide, rape, and murder, then please do NOT read this blog!

There once was a man who was a detective. This man lived on a hill that overlooked the city he was in charge of. This detective was morally upright in all his conduct and his ways. As a matter of fact, some would refer to him as the Incorruptible Man. The Detective despised the city he overlooked. He seen all the blatant immorality all throughout the city and it sorely distressed him. He hated the people in the city so much that he referred to the city as The Valley of Incompetent Morons. One day, he received a call about a murder in the downtown area. As he approached the scene of the crime, The Detective noticed gun laying on the ground. "These idiots leaving evidence out in the open," He muttered under his breath. He picked up the gun, thinking this was going to be an open and shut case once he examined it. When he did examine the gun, he noticed that the fingerprints on it were his fingerprints! This perplexed The Detective, but he disregarded the thought and decided to further investigate. Later in the week, he received another call about a slew of murders that took place at a local bank. He immediately drove straight to that bank. "When will these ignoramuses finally understand that crime doesn't pay?" The Detective thought to himself. When he arrived at the bank, he was bothered by the fact that no one was willing to speak to him. They were literally afraid of him. This caused The Detective to get increasingly more angry. "What's wrong with you people?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs at everyone in the bank, but they just continued to stare at him. No one said a word, much to the chagrin of The Detective. He immediately stormed out of the Bank vowing to never return again. After all, all of his finances were stored in an offshore bank account anyway so he did not need the local bank. Later that night, he was still fuming about the reactions of everyone at the bank and it just grated his nerves the more he thought about it. His disturbance made him so angry that he even kicked his own dog in the side, which caused the dog to fly into the wall and start whimpering. He did not care. This was not the first time he had kicked his dog either. He finally was able to fall asleep later that night around 1:00 in the morning only to be woken up by a call at around 3:35 in the morning. 

"Detective Spooner?" The dispatcher said as soon as he answered. 

"What is it now, Becky?" The Detective angrily responded. The Dispatcher did not allow his tone of voice to rattle her. She was used to his belligerent attitude by now. 

"There has been a rape in Central Park. We need you to go check it out" The dispatcher calmly told him. The Detective slammed the phone down in a fit of rage and muttered a lot of obscenities. He stood up, cracked his back, and proceeded to change into his detective outfit. His dog looked up at him, but then put his head back down when he yelled at it. He drove the mile and a half it took to get to Central Park and when he arrived at the crime scene, he seen the battered and bruised woman wrapped in a blanket. After dismissing the EMT, he approached the woman, but she immediately yelled for help. The Detective could not understand why she was so frightened by him. "Ma'am, I am only here to---" 

The woman cut him off and kept yelling for the EMT's to come back immediately. This angered The Detective and began uttering obscenities at her and told her she can deal with whatever happened on her own. Then, he went back to his police car, and drove back home. After changing out of his detective outfit, he got back in bed and drifted off to sleep rather quickly. He slept until around 10:00 am and was woken up by another call. This time the number was private, but he knew it was someone from the police station. 

"Detective Spooner?" The gruff man on the other end asked him as soon as he answered. The Detective angrily said that it was him. 

"Sir, we are going to need you to come down to the station immediately for questioning" These words caught The Detective off guard. He could not believe what he heard. Why did they need to question him? Was he a suspect? For what? 

"Sir?" The officer said after a long moment of silence. The Detective hung up the phone. He began pacing his bedroom while puffing on a cigarette. He could not believe that he was a suspect for some crime. He began to assess everything that has been going on for the past week or so. Something did not add up. The fingerprints on the unidentified gun, the reactions of the people at the bank, the reaction of the woman at the park. Why was everyone frightened by him? He has been a decorated detective for over 50 years and never once has he ever broken a single law. This was a fact he has always prided himself with. This fact caused him to believe that he was morally superior than everyone in The Valley of Incompetent Morons. As he was pacing his room, his started to drift towards his bedroom mirror. As soon as he locked eyes with his own reflection, everything finally dawned on him. He hated the people he was in authority over. He literally loathed them. Over 50 years of being a detective has caused him to despise the very human beings he took an oath to protect and serve. This hatred caused him to enact his own version of retributive justice on the City of Incompetent Morons. He realized that he himself was the serial murderer and rapist! 

"I cannot believe what I have done...." The Detective silently said to himself, "I am a detective who took and oath to protect and serve these people. Well, justice must be done because the wages of sin is death"  Then, he reached into his drawer and pulled out his 9mm gun and stared at himself one last time in the mirror. He aimed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger.....  

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at christmentalhealth@gmail.com 

Lydia Sarchet: mrssccmh@gmail.com  

Britton Garleb: britaingabriel@protonmail.com 

Joe Roman: Twiztedmembrain@gmail.com  

Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: scottsoconmhs@outlook.com  

Dwayne McLeod: psyconatics@gmail.com  

Veronica Talbot: vtalbot747@gmail.com  

Amber Williams: shayneedm18@gmail.com  

Chuck Ward: wcw50@aol.com

Sarah Olivia: sarahjesseolivia@gmail.com   

Amber Marie: amarie0193@gmail.com  

Zachary Uram: Netrek@gmail.com  

Joseph McDermott: jpmlovesjesus@live.com 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor): RoselynMorgan53@yahoo.com

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