Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Why Moralism Is Bad For Mental Health

There is a huge problem that has infiltrated the Christian church. This virus has even affected many Reformed churches as well. It is a shame how even amongst those us who should properly understand the grace of God found only in Jesus Christ and the implications of what that truly means, we still have some nasty tendencies to be self-righteous. However, this issue has been inside the Church since the first century. The apostle Paul told the Galatian church that he was appalled how they so easily were going astray and believing another gospel other than the one they learned. You see, the Galatian church was falling into a trap of moralism. What is moralism? Moralism is characterized by “an undue emphasis on morality.”  The rest of the the book of Galatians had some of the strongest words speaking against this moralism. As the Apostle Paul tells us in chapter 5 verse 1 of that book: 

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." 

The main reason why moralism is so dangerous is because it chains believers down to a yoke of slavery. Whenever Christians tell other Christians that they cannot celebrate Halloween, watch rated R movies, curse, drink, smoke, or do anything else that is not expressly forbidden in Scripture then they are unwittingly trying them to a burden that they cannot bear. Jesus Christ has come to set the captives free, not to make us slaves all over again. These Christians may have the best of intentions but the moralism is like a poison in a believer's life because it is designed to kill and destroy. There are some different ways that moralism destroys a believer's mental health. These ways are the following: 

1) It destroys our joy 
2) It destroys our resolve 
3) It destroys our hope 

I will elaborate on these points in a minute but first let me say that I am not attacking any Christian who thinks that for themselves certain things are wrong nor am I saying that Christians should not have any kind of morality. If a Christian believes that for themselves certain things are wrong then for them they are wrong and we should have a sense of right and wrong. I am not advocating for any kind of antinomianism. However, when a Christian starts to hold a legalistic standard on another fellow believer then that is in itself deadly and wrong. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts His people and if the Holy Spirit has not convicted someone of something then for that person that act is fine as long as it does not contradict Scripture. Now, it is time to talk about my points. 

It Destroys Our Joy 
So many times believers who are trying to hold to some kind of strict, moralistic standard their joy seems to slowly disappear. It makes sense because when you are busy keeping yourself from doing anything fun, out of a sense of moral duty, you will end feeling like you are missing out on something. That emptiness will cause you to lose your joy. 

It Destroys Our Resolve 

Legalistic people may appear like they are walking the straight and narrow, and they may for awhile, but one can only follow legalism for so long until our sin nature tears us down. You may think you're doing just fine by keeping yourself away from Rated R movies until one day a scantily clad woman walks by your window. All of sudden, you are drooling all over yourself as you are staring at her for ten minutes! When this sort of thing happens for awhile, eventually you get tired of fighting to "keep yourself pure" and you just start giving in to your desires. If you do not believe me, please check out all the studies that show what happens to young adults when they grow up in strict, legalistic homes and then finally have their first sip of alcohol. The result is that they usually end up going wild. 

It Destroys Our Hope

After our resolve has been broken, we tend to feel an intense shame over what we have done or for having ruined our lives. This shame sometimes has caused people to commit suicide. For other people, this shame has led to many other equally destructive acts. 

I hope that you can now see how deadly moralism truly is and maybe next time you hear someone being moralistic you will remember this blog. We need to adamantly oppose any kind of moralistic tendencies because this dangerous ideology is hurting so many brothers and sisters in Christ. The only way to fight against this ideology is to remember and preach the pure unadulterated gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we tell people the truth about how the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus truly saves people not only from their sins but also from legalism, it should eliminate any kind of moralism in people. It is only then that we can truly live our lives as the people of God we were called to be. 

Thank you for reading my blog and may the true grace of the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you all. 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

How To Combat Intrusive Thoughts Biblically

Intrusive thoughts is a common phenomenon that affects most people but a lot of people do not know how to deal with them effectively. There are tons of advice out there concerning this topic, but I have found most of most of the advice to be severely lacking in substance. In this blog, I will attempt to explain how I deal with my intrusive thoughts in the hopes that this will help you too. I don't want to fall into the same trap of lacking substance though so I think it would be helpful if I defined exactly what it is I am addressing first. According to The OCD & Anxiety Center, an intrusive thought are, 

"Unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that can occur spontaneously or that can be cued by external/internal stimuli" 

Before I get into how I deal with my intrusive thoughts, I would like to share exactly what my thoughts are. I also frequently hear voices that tell me similar things and I use the same tactics to help me combat them as well. The first thing that my intrusive thoughts tell me is that I am God and that people are worshiping and praying to me. The second thing my intrusive thoughts and voices tell me is that I need to cut myself. While I have not cut myself anymore these days, I did used to cut myself frequently in my younger years. The third thing that my voices and intrusive thoughts tell me is that I need to hurt people. They are constantly telling me to punch or slap people in the face. The final thing that my intrusive thoughts and voices tell me is that I need to think negatively about my physical appearance. 

The most important lesson I want you to take away from this is that it is perfectly normal to deal with intrusive thoughts. The reason that this is important is because many people think they are "freaks of nature" because of their thoughts, but it is in actuality completely natural. Everyone deals with these from time to time and if anyone claims that they do not then they are lying. 

The text that I would like to share with you that talks about how to deal with intrusive thoughts comes from Philippians 4:6-8 which says, 

"Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything (every circumstance and situation) by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, continue to make your (specific) requests known to God. And the peace of God (that peace that reassures the heart, that peace) which transcends all understanding, (that peace which) stands guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus is yours. Finally believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy, of respect, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things (center your mind on them and implant them in your heart)."

The most obvious take away from this text is that each thought we have we should always take it to God in prayer. This may seem like a daunting task but then again we are told to take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. For example, whenever a thought or voice comes to my mind telling me that I am God, I remind myself of what Scripture says who God truly is. Sometimes I may even have to remove myself from the situation that is triggering those thoughts and voices. 

The second obvious solution that the Apostle Paul gives us is that we need to replace the thought with a more positive thought. For example, when my voices and thoughts tell me something negative about my physical appearance, I need to remind myself of something that is good about my appearance.  It also helps me to remember that the word of God tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made because i was created in the image and likeness of the infinite and holy God Himself. Also, if a voice or thought tells me to hurt someone, then i need to remind myself that that person is also made in God's image and thus they are worthy of the utmost dignity and respect. 

Like I said already, I understand that this sounds like it is hard work, and it is difficult. I am not going to lie to you and say this is easy and there will be times that you will fail. However, whenever you do fail there is grace because of who we are in Christ. As Romans 8:1 tells us, 

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus"  

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope you found it edifying to you and glorifying to The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the great God of grace and Truth richly bless you all! Soli Deo Gloria! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

A Christian Perspective On Britney Spears Announcing She Is An Atheist

Recently, in an audio recording on 60 Minutes Australia, pop singer Britney Spears announced that she is now an atheist. Her reasoning for this new faith change was this:  

"God would not [have allowed] that to happen to me if God existed. I don't believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me."

The first thing that I would like to say is that there is no such thing as a true atheist because Romans 1:18-33 is perfectly clear that God has revealed Himself to all people in such a way that no man has a defense for not worshiping Him. However, there are some things about this new revelation about Spears concerning mental health that many people really should consider. These points are: 

1) The way people treat one another can have a devastating impact one's mental health 


2) As the Body of Christ, we need to do better in demonstrating love towards one another 

Studies have consistently shown that we are relational beings and the scriptures say the same thing. When God said that it was not good for man to be alone, it demonstrated that man was made a social creature. The implications of this is that words actually do hurt us, contrary to the old childhood saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". Since we understand this fact, those of us who are Christians should make extra caution to show more love to one another because we do not want to be the reason a brother or sister in the faith is destroyed. Jesus tells us that our love for one another is how the world will know we are His disciples. He did not say that out doctrinal purity or superior morality is how the world will know but our love for each other is how the world will know. How has the Church as a whole fulfilled this task? 

Britney Spears has lived a rough life due to mental illness and the mistreatment of others and now she is revolting against the God she knows exist. It breaks my heart that there was not any good Christian examples in her life who can show her the true love of Christ but I know that God is good and God is just. She will be held accountable for her rebellion against Him unless she repents and places her faith in Jesus Christ. However, we as Christians need to be lifting her up in prayer and if we have the opportunity to ever run into her we need to share the love of Christ with her as we should be doing with every soul we encounter on this side of heaven. 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

10 Things Every Christian Needs To Know About Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a very complex mental disorder and there is a lot of ignorance surrounding it too. In this blog I will give you ten facts that everyone needs to know concerning this disorder in the hopes that it will eliminate the stigma against it. However, before I do that I think a brief history of the origins of schizophrenia will suffice. The first recorded breakthrough of the discovery of Schizophrenia came in the 19th century from a doctor named Emil Kraeplin. He was the director of a psychiatric clinic at the university of Estonia. He originally used the term Dementia Praecox, or premature dementia. Even though his work was not finished, his discovery did begin to start to distinguish this disorder from other clinical mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder. Eventually, along came a man named Eugan Bleuler who would coin the term Schizophrenia after building upon Dr. Kraeplin's work. 

These ten facts I will be sharing with you about Schizophrenia are not exhaustive and these are not the only facts either. However, these facts I feel are the most important for people to understand. If you or someone you know struggle with Schizophrenia, you will do well to keep these facts in mind. If you do this, then you will understand how this disease needs to be treated. After you read these facts, please comment below any other facts you should be shared. 

1) Schizophrenia Is Not Multiple Personality Disorder (AKA Disassociative Identity Disorder) 

This is probably the most commonly misunderstood fact. I have run into so many people who seem to confuse Schizopherenia with DID and I have to constantly correct them. At one time, the two were thought to be the same but in modern times we understand that these two are two entirely different and distinct mental disorders. We should not confuse one for the other anymore. People with Schizophrenia do not typically have multiple personalities. 

2) Schizophrenia Is On A Spectrum 

This is also a very important fact for people to remember because Schizophrenia does not affect all people the same exact way. Some of us only get paranoid while others only have hallucinations and delusions and some others will experience both. Some of us also have a mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar, combined with our schizophrenia. No two people with schizophrenia are quite alike. 

3) Schizophrenia Is Not Demonic 

This is probably the most infuriating fact that needs to be addressed because so many Christians seem to be under the impression that Schizophrenia is demon possession rather than a chemical imbalance in the brain. I understand that those who want to believe this nonsense are doing so because they want to spiritualized everything, but not everything needs to be spiritualized. We live in a broken and fallen world and because of that our bodies and brains are subject to decay. The idea that Schizophrenia is demonic is found nowhere in Scripture and it stems from the Roman Catholic Church. It is actually quite remarkable how much the biblical authors went out of their way to distinguish what they understood as "madness" from what they recognized as demon possession. 

4) Schizophrenia Can Lead Us Into Sin, But It Does Not Excuse Our Sin 

I understand that this statement can get me in some hot water with some of my more strict Christian brothers and sisters, but please hear me out. I am not by any means justifying sin. We have no excuse before God for our sin and rebellion against Him. However, Schizophrenia can provide the context for certain sins. For example, if I honestly believed that the CIA was watching my every move and that if I left my bed they would blow my house up, then I would not leave my bed. Laziness is a sin, but my delusion led me into that sin. 

5) Schizophrenia Can Be Managed Primarily Through Medication And Counseling 

I know that psychiatric medication and secular counseling is anathema in certain Christian circles, but people with Schizophrenia certainly do need them. It is actually very dangerous to tell us not to take medication and see a therapist because without them our illness will increasingly grow worse until we are either dead or in prison. 

6) Proper Diet And Exercise Can Help Symptoms 

It is a proven fact that with a proper diet and plenty of exercise, it will make it easier for us to manage our symptoms, but these should never replace medication and counseling. 

7) Schizophrenia Is Usually Hereditary And  Rarely Caused By Drug Abuse 

It is a known fact that Schizophrenia is passed through generations and some professionals have even speculated that it is passed through the mother's side of the family. Schizophrenia can be caused by excessive drug abuse, but it is not typical. 

8) Stress Exacerbates Schizophrenia Symptoms 

It is vitally important for those of us with Schizophrenia absolutely need to remain in low-stress environments. The reason for this is because stress often caused our hallucinations and delusions to become worse. 

9) On MRI Brain Scan, A Schizophrenic Brain Looks Significantly Different From A Normal Brain 

This is important because it proves that Schizophrenia is solely a brain disease. It is not some spiritual entity or force. It is a medical condition that needs to be treated medically. 

10) Hallucinations And Delusions Are Not Always Negative 

I often hear people question why our hallucinations and delusions often seem negative, but this is not always the case. There are many instances where our voices are friendly and are just providing commentary about our daily activities. There are other occasions where our delusions cause us to believe we are better than we are. Sometimes we even believe our hallucinations and delusions are causing us to be more in touch with the spirit realm. 

I hope that this blog has helped you better understand Schizophrenia and I hope that you will pass this on to someone else. Next time you come across someone with Schizophrenia, maybe you will keep these ten facts in mind as you communicate with them. 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What Does It Mean That God Is Forever Pleased With Christians?

Many Christians deal with intense feelings of shame. They feel shame over their past or even current sins they commit. In this blog, I will be discussing how God is pleased with us so we do not need to feel ashamed. However, I would like to distinguish guilt from shame. The Holy Spirit convicts us of guilt when we sin in order to drive us to Christ. But, shame is a tool from the devil that is designed to destroy us. In Romans 1: 18-19 we read, 

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them" 

This text is a picture of the entire world. Every human being born into this world is born into sin because of our forefather Adam. This is the exact reason why the wrath of God is coming upon us because of our active rebellion against Him. If God would have chosen to leave us here, He would be perfectly good and perfectly just and perfectly loving. However, the Lord has not left us here. God came down as a man (Jesus Christ) in order to take the punishment that we deserve upon Himself on the cross and then He rose from the dead three days later. It is because of His resurrection that all those who are in Christ are new creations. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we read, 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" 

This is literally true for all who call upon the name of the Lord. It is not poetry! Since we are in Jesus Christ, we are no longer defined by our sin or even our past, but instead we are defined by who we are in Christ. 

In Matthew 2:16-17 we read of Jesus' baptism. In this account it says, 

"And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him, and a voice from heaven said, 'This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased'." 

Also, in Galatians 4:4-7 we read, 

"But when the fullness of time has come, God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sins, God has sent his spirit of his son into our hearts, crying, 'ABBA Father!' So you are no longer a slave, and if a son, then an heir through God" 

In these two texts, we clearly see that just as God is well pleased with Christ, so is God well pleased with all who are called sons of God because of who we are in Christ. It is precisely this reason why the apostle Paul can tell us in Roman's 8:37-39, 

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" 

We can see here that nothing in all of creation will ever separate us from God's love for His people. Nothing will ever change this fact because God's word never changes. The Lord is forever pleased with us no matter what we do or say because of our standing in Christ. As a matter of fact, we even have the promise that God is currently working out everything in our lives for our good (Romans 8:28). 

I pray and hope that this blog blesses and edified all who read this. We can trust the Lord because He is always for us not against us. Please leave a comment below and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

The Mental Health Of Benefits of Reading Books

  As an avid reader of many books, I can testify to the many mental health benefits of reading good books. I know it may sound strange to he...