Sunday, April 10, 2022

Will God Judge Hold What We Do While In A Psychotic Episode Against Us?

 "For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified." -Romans 2:12-13 

I would like to start this blog by first stating that I fully understand that this topic will be controversial and people will have their minds made up about this before even reading further. The people who think that yes mentally ill people are still held responsible for their actions while in a psychotic episode will think my argument is weak and the people who agree with me will think that my argument is solid. Whatever side you fall on please understand that I am doing my best to be faithful to the text and I truly desire to honor Christ in everything. This is not a salvific issue so we can feel free to disagree on this topic and still consider one another friends and family in Christ because of the Gospel. Now, as you can already tell I do not believe that the Lord will hold a mentally ill person accountable for what they do or say while in a manic or psychotic episode. My proof text for this is Romans 2:12-13 and before you say that I am taking that scripture out of context please hear me out. I understand that the context of this scripture is about how both Jews and Gentiles alike are responsible for their sin because even while the Gentiles do not have the written Law (like the Jews do) they do have the Law written on their hearts. So they know that they are violating God's Law even while they suppress the truth in unrighteousness like the Apostle Paul says in Romans 1. I hope that you can see that I understand the context of that scripture. However, if you notice what exactly that scripture implies. It implies that we will be judged by what we know. Hear me on this, please. The people whom Paul is talking about here are either those who know the Law either by what is written down for them or what is written on their hearts. In both circumstances this requires the two types of people to be cognizant of what they know. This raises the question of what about people who are not cognizant? I know that when I am in a manic episode, I am not fully aware of what I am saying and doing. It is like I am on autopilot and the lights are on but nobody is home. I do not think that while I am in these episodes that the Lord will hold me accountable for stuff that I am not even aware I am doing. The people who claim that He will, I believe, are guilty of defaming the character of God. I say this because how can He truly be Good and Just while at the same time condemning someone who has no control over themselves? Now, I am not saying that this automatically makes the mentally ill person guiltless. I fully believe in the Total Depravity of man so that means aside of anything we do in a psychotic episode we still are sinful beyond measure and commit sinful acts even while in our right mind. So, The Lord will judge us for the sinful actions we commit while still in our right mind! 
Also, I would like to address another topic that this issue raises and that is the states of man. According to the Bible, there are really only two states of man: those who are in Christ and those who are in Adam. For those who are in Christ, the Lord will not count our sins against us no matter what because of what Jesus did for us on our behalf on the cross. This means that when Jesus took our punishment upon Himself on the cross, our sinful nature was imputed onto Him and His righteousness was imputed onto us. Now, for those who are in Christ our sins are covered no matter what. This includes our past, present, and even future sins and we can never lose our salvation. So, what this means is that for Christians who struggle with mental illness who wind up going into psychotic episodes even the "sins" we commit in that state are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now, this raises the question of what about the unregenerate Christians who struggle with going into psychotic episodes? Again, Romans 2:12-13 applies here too. The Lord will judge even them by what they are consciously aware of knowing. So, God will hold them accountable for the sins they commit while they are in their right mind and not while they are unaware of what they are doing and saying. 
Finally, I want to end this blog with a strong recommendation. If you are someone who struggles with mental illness, whether you are a believer or not, it is never a wise decision to not take your medication. You may feel like you are better but trust me that it is only because of your medication that you are better. If you go off your medication, you will spiral out of control and end up either dead, in prison, or locked away in a psychiatric facility. This is no joke. You need to stay on your medication. The Lord has richly blessed psychiatrists and psychologists with the wisdom and knowledge to know how to treat the human mind that is plagued with mental illness so we can trust in His providential care in providing us with the proper means to treat our mental illnesses. There is absolutely no shame in taking medication so do not feel ashamed about it. If you had diabetes would you be ashamed to take insulin? Absolutely not because that is a medical condition. Well, mental illness is a medical condition too and it is degenerative. This means that the longer it goes untreated the worse it will get and psychiatric medication and counseling has been proven to be the absolute best method for slowing down the progressive disease of the mind. 
In conclusion, the Lord will not hold a mentally ill person accountable for what they do while in a psychotic episode but He will hold us accountable for what we do while in our right minds. We all are under sin and guilty before a Holy and Righteous Father and the only way to be saved is through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation and those who are in Christ, whether they are mentally ill or not, He will never hold anything we do or say against us because it is all covered by the blood of His Son. 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Mental Health Advocate and Christian Apologist 

For 24 hour peer support, call me at 567-343-3727 or email me at 
For 24 hour peer support, please call the Christ-Centered Mental Health ministry line at 567-343-3727 or email me at Lydia Sarchet: Britton Garleb: Joe Roman: Scott AKA Johnny Kangaroo: Dwayne McLeod: Veronica Talbot: Amber Williams: Chuck Ward: Sarah Olivia: Amber Marie:  Zachary Uram: Joseph McDermott: 

Roselyn Morgan (Christ-Centered Mental Health Christian Counselor):

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  1. I think if a mentally ill person can think about if God can forgive their sin which was done out of mind .. then they should always ask for forgiveness because I think they are surely responsible for remembering that of which , if God will judge because of their condition .. then this mentally ill person is responsible because God hears our mind , No matter the excuse we have Got .. God sees it clearly if we deserve to be Justified or Judge . So keep doing what ever you think pleases God and ask as much forgiveness as you can ask because we don't always know all the time when we have sinned ... I mean there is no Excuse for sin ... SIN IS SIN .. AS far as you know there is God and that mental illness didn't make you forget that there is God . And also didn't make you for get that there is Sin and also Righteous Act .. then this mental I'll person thinks he can play God , whereas God sees his mind... My advice is that you do whatever seems right and when you think you have sinned as you remember that you are mentally ill , Ask for forgiveness .. if you don't you are responsible... This is just Truth ... GOD BLESS YOU

    1. What about someone whose mental illness does make them forget there is God? What about the mentally ill person who doesnt ever remember what he or she did while out of their mind?

  2. Appreciate being challenged to consider this situation.

    1. I am glad that this got you thinking and thank you for reading my blog! :)

  3. Replies
    1. You're welcome and thank you for reading my blog!

    2. Thank you so much for your words and the Scripture to which you have referred. My son lives in fear that he cannot be forgive for misquoting the Bible to others while he was in a psychotic episode. He was 19 years old at the time (he's now 24) and he had just become ill but was not yet diagnosed. He was very delusional when it happened. He feels that he must have committed blasphemy and asked a minister if a person had done or said the words that he said would they have committed blasphemy. He didn't tell the complete situation that he was mentally ill and in a psychotic state. He was totally trying to live a Christian life and now cannot be convinced that God has forgiven him. He now even questions the existence of God. It absolutely breaks my heart that this disease caused him to lose his faith. Thank you so much for what you are doing here and for your words specifically on this topic. If you would may I ask you to pray for my son Jack. God Bless you and I will pray for your health.


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