Thursday, December 1, 2022

Schizophrenia & Smoking


There is a very disturbing trend amongst those of us who struggle with Schizophrenia. According to Web MD, roughly over 80% of people with our disorder smoke cigarettes. On the one hand, I know why smoking cigarettes appeals so much to us (I am a long-time smoker myself) but on the other hand, I know just how detrimental this practice really is. If you are someone who struggles with Schizophrenia and is a smoker, then this blog is written specifically for you and I want you to know that I do not cast any judgment on you whatsoever because I can identify with you. Smoking cigarettes is a tough habit to break for anyone, especially for those of us with mental illness. In this blog, I shall talk about the pros and cons of cigarette smoking and then give some tips on how to quit smoking too but keep in mind that these tips are what I have found to help me. You may find that there are other things that many other things may help you or you may have some new ideas to implement after reading this blog. Regardless of what you decide to do, the decision should be made solely by you and you alone after you consider all the information. 

As I previously stated, there are some positive things about smoking cigarettes when you are dealing with Schizophrenia. These positive things are what make smoking so appealing to us too. Some of these are the following: 

-Reducing Stress 
-Suppress Hallucinations 
-Suppress Mania 
-Suppress Delusions 

I fully understand why one would choose to remain smoking because experiencing mania, hallucinations, and delusions is not fun. These experiences actually lead one to feel intense feelings of shame which could then lead one to feelings of depression and suicidal ideation. So, when you consider this it really does make a whole lot of sense why people would decide it is better to smoke to alleviate the symptoms of Schizophrenia. 

However, even though there are some positive things to smoking cigarettes, they are canceled out by all the negative things. These things include the following: 

-Causes You To Urinate Your Medication 
--Causes You To Have Increased Anxiety When Not Smoking 
-Destroys Physical Health Such As Heart, Lungs, Teeth, ETC... 

Even if you do not care about your physical health, it should bother you that cigarette smoking causes you to urinate your medication. It should bother you because then your medication will not have its full effect, which could lead to more hallucinations, delusions, and mania. This, in turn, can lead you to either death or imprisonment. So, you must do whatever it takes for you to maximize the use of your medication. 

Now, here are some tips that may help you quit smoke (if that is what you decide): 

-Going For A Walk 
-Nicotine Gum, patches, or lozenges (If you cannot afford these, you can get a limited supply from the 1-800-QUITNOW line)
-Get An Accountability Partner 
-Replace Smoking With A Healthy Hobby 
-Meditate on God's Word 
-Spend Time With God in Prayer 

As I said, I know how difficult it is for people to quit smoking. As a matter of fact, I have failed just today even though I have gone just about two months without smoking. However, I am reminded of Romans 8:1 which says, 

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" 

If you have failed, it is perfectly fine. You are not condemned because Jesus has taken your condemnation upon Himself at the cross. Keep that in mind as you move forward in His grace. 

I really do appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and I hope that you found this edifying to you and glorifying to God. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check Out The Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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