Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lived Experience V.S Book Knowledge


It has come to my attention that some of my viewers do not think I am credible because I do not have a psychology or psychiatry degree. I think this is a horrible position because although I do not hold a degree to my name, I do have something infinitely greater than a degree. What I have as someone with a mental illness is the lived experience of what it is like to have a clinical mental illness. Some people may not believe that this is good enough, but I hope that after reading this blog they will reconsider their position. We live in a culture that literally worships the idea of college degrees. While I do admit that there are some benefits to having a degree, I do not think that it should be the end-all-be-all of knowledge. According to most psychologists, there are many different forms of knowledge, and lived experience is one equally credible form. I am not in any way advocating for lived experience with zero book knowledge by the way. I actually believe that lived experience plus book knowledge is greater than just having book knowledge. For example, when talking to a psychologist, it would be much more beneficial if the therapist also has a mental illness too. I say this because not only will they understand you from a clinical perspective, but they will also understand you better from a personal perspective. Actually, the therapist who deals with mental illness themselves will be much better equipped at helping you cope with your mental illness than a therapist who just knows facts about your mental illness. My psychiatrist and therapist cannot tell me much about my illness that I do not already know. In this blog, I will discuss three points why lived experience is better than mere book knowledge. However, I would like to say that I understand that this is a controversial subject because many people believe that if you do not have book knowledge then you are not credible. I hope to change some minds on this, but even if your mind is not changed, maybe you will come away from this with much more appreciation for the lived experience than you once had. If this happens, then the purpose of this blog will have been served. The three benefits of lived experience that I have found are the following: 

1) Much Greater Understanding 
2) Much More Empathy 
3) Able To Touch More People's Lives 

I will elaborate on each of these points, but I would like to say that these are not the only benefits that make lived experience greater than mere book knowledge. These are just the main points that I'd like to discuss. Feel free to leave them in the comments section below if you can think of any more. Now, time for my points. 

Much Greater Understanding 

I know that this sounds a bit controversial to say, but I firmly believe that when one has lived experience of a mental illness they will understand the illness better than someone who merely reads about the illness. I say this because as someone who suffers from Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type, I understand all the nuances of my illness. My Psychiatrist and my therapist may understand my illness on a surface level because of their studies but when it comes to the nuances of my illness they have absolutely zero idea. For example, my psychiatrist and therapist may understand that there are times when my Depression causes me to not be able to get out of bed. However, what they will not understand no matter how hard they try is what the experience of being that depressed is actually like on a personal level. Another example is that my psychiatrist and therapist may understand that I will have periods where I am in a manic episode, but what they will never understand is how being in a manic episode makes me feel. Only someone who has experienced a manic episode will actually understand what a manic episode is like. 

Much More Empathy 

When someone has a better understanding of what it is like to deal with a mental illness, it does naturally lead them to have more empathy toward another person with a mental illness. For example, my psychiatrist and therapist will not show me as much empathy towards my Depression and mania episodes as someone who truly understands what I am going through. This is not to say that they do not care at all about me. Sure, they may care about me to a certain extent which is why they are treating me. However, they do not care about me on a personal level. This is why I strongly advocate for mental health support groups as opposed to regular therapy groups. As someone who has been to both support groups and therapy groups, I can honestly say that I get a lot more from the support groups (where everyone deals with a mental illness, including the leader) than from therapy groups (where the group is led by a therapist who does not have a mental illness). 

Able To Touch More People's Lives 

I have found that when I can identify with people with mental illnesses it naturally helps me to affect their lives. I say this because it helps me to help others when they know that I can relate to them. I completely understand why this is because I know for me personally that the people who have had the most impact on my life were people who could identify with me. I typically do not take advice from someone unless they can demonstrate to me that they understand me on a personal level. I know many other people who are just like me in this area too. So many of us who deal with mental illness do not really trust people who talk at us without any experience. However, when someone can demonstrate that they truly understand us on a deeper level than mere book knowledge, we tend to give them out trust. Trust means everything to people like us and we are not willing to just give our trust to anyone, even if they have a degree. 

I hope that this blog has shed some light for you on this very important issue and even if you still disagree then hopefully you better understand what I am advocating for. Again, I am not against book knowledge at all. I am an avid studier of Psychology amongst other things as well. I just think that book knowledge without lived experience is essentially worthless. Thank you for taking the time for reading my blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Check out the other Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Abortion & Mental Health


Abortion is a highly controversial topic in our society today. On the one hand, some claim that the fetus is not a human being, and thus abortion is not the intentional killing of a human (i.e. murder). On the other hand, some say that the fetus is a human being at conception and thus abortion is the intentional killing of a human. Back in the day when we did not have much knowledge it did seem as if those who said the fetus is not human were right. However, with the advent of modern science, we now understand that human life begins at conception. This fact is so indisputable that even the most ardent pro-choice advocates no longer deny it. Their new argument is the "bodily autonomy" argument. They claim that no human being has the right to live off of another human being without their consent. This argument falls flat when you apply it to newborn babies because if no human being has the right to live off of another human being without their consent, well, newborn babies live off of their parents without their consent. Should we reserve the right to murder them? I would certainly hope that no one would seriously argue for that. However, the question still remains for those of us who are Christians who submit to the word of God, what does the Bible say about abortion? In this blog, I shall discuss exactly what the Bible says concerning abortion and then I will discuss some of the devastating effects that abortion has on a woman's mental health. I will admit that the word "abortion" actually appears nowhere in the Bible, but we can make some general inferences on what God's stance is concerning this topic based off of a few key texts of Scripture. First, if we turn to Genesis 1:27, we read, 

"So God created man in his image. in the image of God, he created him; male and female he created them" 

Here, we see that human life is sacred solely because we were all created in the divine image of God. This means that every human life has intrinsic value. Actually, this is the very basis for the pro-life movement because we believe that all human life is sacred. We should not be ashamed to stand in this position because it is what God's word says. A pro-life atheist would have a much more difficult time justifying their position than a Christian should. The next passage that I'd like to turn your attention to is Psalm 139:13-16. This passage says, 

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them" 

As you can clearly see, it is the Lord who forms each human being inside the womb. We are all "delicately woven" together. Modern science tells us that when the sperm meets the egg a brand new human being is formed with their own unique DNA. The word of God tells us that this amazing thing is literally a work of God Himself. Also, I would like to direct your attention to the part of the text that says, "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them". This is a very important point because according to God's word, all of our days were planned out for us before we were ever born. The Sovereign God of creation knew our days from beginning to end because He literally planned it all. This means whether you were born from natural consent or from rape/incest, God is the one who planned your existence and He is always good. I know that this sounds like a hard teaching but we must not shy away from it. The next passage that I'd like to turn your attention to is Jeremiah 1:5. In this text, God tells the Prophet Jeremiah, 

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations"

As you can see by this text before Jeremiah was even born The Lord knew him. "Knew" in the biblical sense has connotations of intimacy. What God is saying here is that He was intimately acquainted with Jeremiah before He was even born. How could God be intimately acquainted with someone before they are born unless He alone is the creator of human life? Also, notice how God had given Jeremiah a purpose for his life before He was born too. All of our days are marked out for us because the Lord is the Sovereign who ordains everything that comes to pass. The next text I want to bring your attention to is Luke 1:39-41. This text says, 

"In those days Mary arose and went with haste to the hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb"

In this text, we see that the baby John was alive inside his mother's womb. How else could he respond to Mary's greeting? A blob of cells cannot do anything let alone leap for joy. This is evidence that Baby John was much more than just a mere blob of cells. So what does all this say concerning the topic of abortion? It obviously says that human life begins inside the womb. Our society is working really hard to suppress this truth because they want to justify murdering babies. So, what if the Bible says human life begins inside the womb? How does this justify saying that murder is indeed wrong? To answer that question, I will now direct your attention to Proverbs 6:16-19. This text  says, 

"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers." 

The Lord hates the one who shed innocent blood. Why does He hate this so much? The answer lies in Genesis 1:27. Human beings are made in God's image and thus human lives are sacred. This is why the shedding of innocent blood is so grievous in His sight. So, what does all of this have to do with mental illness? I am glad that you asked that question. Pro-choice advocates will attempt to tell women that abortion has no ill effects. They want women to think that abortion is as harmless as getting one's tonsils removed. However, we know better than that these days. As a matter of fact, so many women who have gotten abortions have reported certain emotional disturbances that psychologists have labeled this experience as Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS). What exactly is PASS? According to, 

"Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) is the residual pain of abortion felt through feelings of grief, anger, shame, guilt, or other mental or physical turmoil. Many people experience depression, anxiety, anger, and abandonment following an abortion and these feelings can continue for months or even years afterwardafterwards" 

What are some signs that one is experiencing PASS? The signs of this syndrome include the following: 

1) Bouts of Crying 
2) Depression 
3) Inability to forgive yourself 
4) Intense grief/sadness 
5) Anger/rage 
6) Emotional numbness 
7) Sexual problems or promiscuity 
8) Eating Disorders 
9) Lower Self-Esteem 
10) Drug and Alcohol Abuse 
11) Nightmares and sleep disturbances 
12) Suicidal urges 
13) Difficulty with relationships 
14) Anxiety and panic attacks 
15) Flashbacks 
16- multiple abortions 
17) Patterns of repeat crisis pregnancies 
18) Discomfort around babies or pregnant women
19) fear/ambivalence around pregnancy 

As you can see PASS is a serious thing that should be talked about. Abortion is nothing like getting your tonsils removed. It is the senseless killing of another human being. There is absolutely no justification for this heinous sinful act. Please do not listen to the pro-choice advocates who try to minimize the effects of abortion because abortion does deeply affect the mother and it kills the baby.  

I hope that this blog has really shed some light on a very difficult topic. If you were someone who was on the fence about abortion, I will challenge you to look up the Scriptures I cited above and really meditate on them. Truth is not determined by how we think or feel but by what the word of God says. God's word never changes and that is why it endures throughout all time. If you are someone who has had an abortion, I want you to know that there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ. He bore all of our sins on the cross and took the punishment that we deserve upon Himself. Then, The Lord literally rose from the dead to give us a new life in Him. If you confess your sins to the Lord and trust in His sacrifice then you will be saved from the wrath of God. Do not let another day go by without turning to the Lord for forgiveness. Today is the day of salvation! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that it blessed you. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! See the victims that abortion leaves in its wake

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Check out the other Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Monday, April 24, 2023

Schizophrenia & Relationships


Schizophrenia is very difficult to deal with in life. It is even more difficult when you throw relationships into the mix. Many people do not understand what we experience and thus tend to stay away from us. Also, people tend to be afraid of us too because we act bizarrely. All this makes it very difficult for those of us with Schizophrenia when it comes to relationships. In this blog, I shall discuss some positive things that one can expect when in a relationship with someone who suffers from Schizophrenia. This blog aims to eliminate the stigma around Schizophrenia in the hopes that people will be more open to being in relationships with us. I will admit that not everything I say will apply to everyone who suffers from Schizophrenia, though. As with all people, we are all individuals and Schizophrenia affects us all differently. Schizophrenia is on a spectrum. There is Schizoaffective Disorder (which I have) where one experiences delusions and hallucinations of typical Schizophrenia but then it is mixed with a mood disorder such as Bipolar or Depression. Then, there is Schizotypal Disorder, which affects one's personality. However, there are some commonalities that all people on the Schizophrenia spectrum experience.  Some of these commonalities are good and some are bad. For the purpose of this blog, I shall focus on the positive traits. From my own experience, there are basically three common benefits of being in a relationship with a person with Schizophrenia. By the way, when I say "relationship", I am talking about romantic relationships, but the benefits I will name for romantic relationships will apply to friendships as well. These three benefits of being in a relationship with someone with Schizophrenia are the following: 

1) We Are More In Touch With Our Emotions 
2) We Tend To Be More Understanding 
3) We Tend To Be More Loyal 

I will elaborate on all of these points, but first I would like to say that I am not saying that these points do not at all apply to people who do not suffer from Schizophrenia. Of course, these traits can apply to other people as well. However, I have found that these traits seem to be more prominent in people who have Schizophrenia or any other mental illness. Also, these are not the only benefits of being in a relationship with someone with Schizophrenia. There are many more benefits but these are the main ones I can think of. If you can think of any more, please let me know in the comments. Now, it is time for me to elaborate on my points. 

We Are In Touch With Our Emotions 

I have found for those of us who are on the Schizophrenia spectrum have a tendency to experience our emotions more deeply than other people. Obviously, this does have a negative side to it, but it also has a positive side as well. For example, when we love someone, we tend to really express our love in tangible ways more than other people do. I know in my life personally there is not a day that goes by where I am not constantly reminding my wife of my love for her and expressing just how much she means to me too. I also always make every effort to make sure I spend quality time with her too.  Even when we do not have much money to spend on someone, we will still look for any kind of way to express our adoration for a person whom we appreciate. We also feel sadness more deeply than most other people too. How is this positive, you ask? Well, it means that we can more sympathize with others. This leads me to my next point. 

We Tend To Be More Understanding 

It is precisely because we experience feelings more deeply than others that we are more understanding of other people's suffering. I know for me personally my heart breaks whenever I see someone hurting, even if they are a complete stranger on a bus. I do not know what it is exactly, but it is probably because we understand what it means to suffer that it makes us more apt to understand the suffering of others. It is for this reason that I do not judge someone when they are suffering and expressing their anger towards God. I know all too well what it is like to be angry with the Lord. This is why I found that it is easier to talk to someone who has a mental illness when I am suffering than it is to talk to someone who does not have a mental illness. The fact that we are more understanding of other people's suffering is the very reason why we make the most faithful companions. This leads me to my final point. 

We Tend To Be More Loyal 

It is precisely because we are more understanding of other people's suffering that we are not judgmental, which leads us to be more loyal to people. I have found that some of my most loyal companions are people who have mental illnesses. We tend to be more trusting of people and trustworthy too. It is probably because we tend to not have very many companions in life. After all, most people tend to shun us. However, the fact that people shun us is the very reason why we choose to cherish those people who do not shun us. I do not have very many people in my life, but I do cherish the people that the Lord has given me. I would do anything for my wife and my friends and family. 

I hope that this blog gives you a different perspective on relationships when it comes to people with Schizophrenia or any kind of mental illness. We really are good to be in relationships with. Do not listen to the media when they tell you that we are all monsters. Sure, we are just as sinful and wicked as people who do not have mental illnesses because we are all born into sin. However, most of us do make an attempt to treat those who are closest to us with the utmost respect and dignity. A common question I hear from people is when should we disclose to someone that we have a mental illness? The answer to that question will be different for everyone, but I would say that it would be whenever you feel comfortable disclosing that information. However, it would be helpful to disclose your mental illness as soon as possible. The reason why I say this is because it gives the other person a chance to decide if they want to be with someone who has a mental illness and it gives you the chance to decide if the person is right for you too.  Thank you for reading my blog and I hope that it blessed you. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

How My Stay In Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center Made Me Into The Man I Am Today


Some of you who know my story already know that when I was younger I spent a good portion of my teenage years inside a residential treatment facility called Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center. What you may not know is that my two-and-a-half-year stay there made such an impact on me that to this day I still find myself thinking about that place. Some people may not understand how a treatment facility could have such a profound impact on my life, but in this blog, I shall explain exactly how my stay in that place has made me into the man that I am today. I will also talk about some lessons that I have learned from my experience there too. However, before I get into all that I think it would be helpful if I gave a little back story about how I ended up in such a place. I will like to forewarn you that my story may cause you some discomfort so if you are easily triggered maybe it would be wise if you did not read this. If you are not easily triggered then please continue reading. 

My story begins when I was sixteen years old. I have just returned to my foster parents after my stay with my biological father failed. My caseworker decided to try to give my sister, Virginia, custody over me. However, my caseworker did not want the same thing that happened with my experience with my father to happen with my experience with my sister and her husband. As a result, my caseworker decided to send me to their house for a two-week trial period. The purpose of this was to see how things would go between myself and my sister and her husband. I thought everything went fine and I was looking forward to eventually moving in with them soon. Unfortunately, I was only deceiving myself because at the time I was a pathological liar and manipulator too. I was also addicted to pornography and I was extremely lazy. In retrospect, I understand why my sister and her husband had to tell my caseworker that they could not take me in. At the time they had two children they had to be concerned for. However, back then I felt really betrayed by my own family and I felt as if no one loved me. It was for this reason that I concocted a bright idea to start my foster home on fire. I thought that if I could perform an act of heroism then people would appreciate me. So, I found some matches and came into my room, and started my bed on fire. As the flames grew, I became mesmerized. It was almost like the flames had me hypnotized, but eventually, I snapped out of it and ran to wake everyone up. Eventually, I was hospitalized at Pueblo State Hospital in the psychiatric ward and then later I was locked up in a detention center called Spring Creek Youth Services Center for about two months. Afterward, my public defender fought for me to be transferred to Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center. This program was a six-to-nine-month program, but I somehow managed to turn it into a two-and-a-half-year program because any time they would discuss discharging me I would get scared and end up doing something to sabotage my discharge date. 

What Being Bullied Taught Me: 

Before my time in the treatment center, I was never bullied at all. However, at this time I was someone who believed strongly in nonviolence to an almost legalistic fault. It was for this reason that the other teenage boys decided to take advantage of me. They would do anything from taking my books from me to trapping me inside the broom closet for fun. This experience has really shown me the depravity of man because I got to witness firsthand just how much people are willing to hurt another individual. After all, they genuinely enjoy it. This experience has also taught me to never mistreat an individual who may be less fortunate than I am because a lot of those kids would bully me because they could tell I was different from them and even weaker than them. I never want to make another person feel the way that those kids made me feel. 

What Being Forced To Read Scripture Taught Me: 

When I was there, I remember there was a staff member by the name of Mr. Jerome Perkins. This man became a mentor to me and I immediately took a liking to him. I think I literally looked up to him as sort of a father figure and I like to think that he thought of me as a son. I remember whenever I started acting up he would grab me by my shirt and take me to my room. Then, he would tell me to sit at my desk or on my bed and open my Bible to a specific chapter and verse. Then, he would tell me to read that chapter and verse out loud. At the time, I hated it whenever he would make me do this. However, it was because of his making me do this that it instilled in me a love for the Holy Scriptures. He really taught me to value the Scriptures especially whenever I am going through some kind of trial. I often think back to this experience and wonder if I would still have a passion for the Scriptures if he was never in my life. 

What Being Anti-Christian Taught Me: 

At some point during my stay in this treatment center, my hatred for Jesus Christ developed. It all began one day when I was thinking about how God gave me a mentally ill mother and even gave me mental illness too. I thought to myself that the Lord must hate me and as a result, I decided He was my literal enemy. I began to hate Him back. However, I knew that I could not do anything to Him, but I realized that I could do something to His followers. As a result, I started going out of my way to harass Christians. At this time, I even had a delusional episode where I believed I was the literal Antichrist. Throughout this whole experience, the Lord was very patient and kind towards me, even when I was blaspheming Him. This experience has really taught me that even when we are being unfaithful to Him, He is still faithful to us. It also taught me exactly how deep God's love is for His elect and to this day I am completely in awe of His mercy in my life. 

What My Experience With Betrayal Taught Me: 

During this time, I had a male therapist named Dr. Robert Bell. Now, I do not normally trust men very well and I have always naturally trusted women better. However, I did eventually grow to trust this man to the point where there was not anything I would not tell him about myself. Everyone thought this man was a bit strange but I greatly admired him. One day he did not show up to work and we later found out it was because he was arrested. What we found out next caused everyone to be shocked. Dr. Rob Bell had over a thousand images of child pornography on his MySpace page and he even attempted to solicit sex from a mother's daughter. While I understand he did not actually betray me, I still felt like this was a major betrayal in my life because I trusted him so deeply. This experience has really shown me the frailty of human beings. I have realized that human beings are deeply flawed and that they will let you down. It is because of this reason we should never allow ourselves to completely trust any human being no matter how much we think we know them. However, there is a Person who will never let us down because He is perfect. That Person is the God-Man Jesus Christ. Jesus can sympathize with us because He was tempted in every way that we are, yet He was without sin. 

What My Experience With Being Restrained Taught Me: 

While I was in that treatment center, there was a day I was particularly acting up. I do not remember why I was so angry, but I do remember the staff isolated me in a time-out room called the Orientation Room. As I grew more irate about being in there, I decided to assault one of the staff members. As a result of this action, multiple staff members came in and restrained me. Normally when a kid is strained in that place, the staff can only hold them for 59 minutes. Then, they are supposed to let the kid back up after he or she commits to being safe. However, this time was different because every time they would let me back up, I would assault the staff again. This is why in one day I was literally seven hours worth of being restrained by the staff, which was a new record at the time. This experience has taught me that there are real consequences to every action that a person does. No one gets away with something for long and even if they get away with it in this life, they will not get away with it when they face God. I also learned that authority is there for my protection and that I should not only submit to them (as Romans 13 tells me) but I should also respect them too. The only reason that I am to ever disobey an authority over me is if that authority tells me to sin against God. 

I hope that this blog really helps you to see how our experiences work together to shape us into the people we are today. No matter how big or small our experiences may seem to us, they really are significant. We do not realize just how something we are going through will affect us later, but I believe when we look back on our experiences we can see how they did change us. It is very much like how a beautiful tapestry is made up of tiny individual squares that seem insignificant on their own. Romans 8:28 tells us that God works out *all* things for our good and it is because of this that we can trust in His sovereignty. The Lord is always good to us because He is always good.  Thank you very much for reading my blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Check out the other Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

Friday, April 21, 2023

Should Christians With Mental Illness Have Children?


In many traditional Christian circles today there is a huge push for married Christians to have children as soon as possible. I understand this because as Christians we should be willing to fulfill the biblical mandate to "be fruitful and multiply". However, for those of us with mental illness there are a few things we should consider when deciding whether or not we want to bring children into this world. In this blog, I will not tell you one way or another if you should have children. The purpose of this blog is to give you something to think about before making this important decision. Ultimately, the decision is in the Lord's hands whether or not you will have children and He knows what is best for us. Before I get into the discussion of what you should consider, I would like to address the whole "be fruitful and multiply" argument because I frequently hear this from well-meaning Christians when I tell them my reasons for not being sure about if I want to bring children into this world. If we turn to Genesis 9:7, we read, 

"And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it" 

At first glance, this seems like a biblical command for all people, but if we read the whole context it tells a different story. God told this to Noah after He had just got done destroying the area with a massive flood. All people at that time were completely wiped out except for Noah and his family. This means that it was up to Noah and his family to repopulate the earth. My point is that this command was for Noah and his family alone. None of us are commissioned with the duty to repopulate an empty earth so this command is not for us today. The earth will remain populated regardless if you have children or not. So, you do not need to feel ashamed or guilty if you decide not to have children. It is perfectly fine if you choose to remain childless or if you choose to adopt a child. Now, for those of you who do decide to have children, there are three things that you must consider. These things are the following: 

1) Mental Illness can be passed down to your children 
2) Our society and world are increasingly becoming eviler
3) Mental Illness progressively gets worse over time 

I will elaborate on these three points but I would like to say that these are not the only three things you need to consider but they are the most important things. If you can think of anything more please feel free to let me know in the comments. Now, time for me to explain my points. 

Mental Illness Can Be Passed Down To Your Children 

Now, I know that this does not necessarily have to happen because the Lord can overcome our mental illnesses and prevent this from happening. However, there is a strong genetic link to mental illnesses. This means that mental illness tends to get passed through heredity. So, if you have a mental illness the chances that your children can have mental illness are high. If mental illness is on both sides of your family, then the chances that your children will be born with mental illness are even higher. I am not trying to discourage you from having children because children are a blessing from the Lord even if they are born with a mental illness. However, you must consider the challenges you will face when dealing with a child with mental illness while taking care of your own mental illness. 

Our Society And World Are Increasingly Becoming Eviler 

This is something that you must seriously consider because we literally do live in the days when the world is calling evil good and good evil. The amount of heinousness is growing and there is no limit to man's depravity. It seems like "woke" ideology has infiltrated every sector of society from academia to the media. Anti-white racism is very prevalent in society too. And they are doing their best to target young children because they know if they can get to children then they can take over society. You must seriously consider if you want to bring a child into this level of corruption. 

Mental Illness Progressively Gets Worse Over Time 

I know that this is a controversial subject, but from all of my studies, I have seen strong evidence that mental illness does progressively get worse over time. This is why it is so very important for people with mental illness to continue taking their medication at the same time every day. When you do not take your medication, your mental illness is progressively getting worse quickly. You may feel fine for a while but keep in mind that your mind is quickly deteriorating. Now, when you take your medication at the same time every day it does not stop the progression. However, taking your medication at the same time every day does severely slow down the progression. This is something that you need to seriously consider because as time goes on and your mental illness gets worse, it may become too much of a struggle for you to raise children. Children are a lot to handle and can be very stressful. Stress can and often does trigger mental illness. You need to ask yourself if you are up for the challenge. 

I hope that this blog gives you some things to think about as you decide whether or not you want to bring children into this world. Regardless of your choice, the decision is between you, your spouse, and God. No one should guilt you or shame you into a decision. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you found this to be a blessing. May the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Should Severely Mentally Ill People Be Institutionalized?


Recently I saw a Facebook status from a friend who said that severely mentally ill people should be institutionalized to keep them safe from themselves and others. When I first read that it initially made me angry but I was not sure why until I thought about it some more. I think someone who would make this claim does not really know the implications of what they are saying, but I do not think they know anyone who suffers from an actual clinical mental illness. Chances are they are most likely basing their opinion off certain news stories that seem from the mainstream media but have never even spoken to someone with a mental illness. In this blog, I shall discuss exactly what is wrong with this view and then I will offer a logical solution for those who are severely mentally ill. However, before I do that I would like to say that I am not against this person nor do I think he is an evil man. From what I can tell he is a brother in Christ. He just holds to a very harmful and ignorant view concerning mental illness. Now, when it comes to this view, I can see two horrible implications. They are the following: 

1) It Perpetuates A Harmful Stigma Against Mental Illness  

2) It Dehumanizes The Mentally Ill

I will elaborate on these two points but I would like to say that if you can think of any more harmful implications this view may have please let me know in the comments below. I fully realize that this is a controversial subject and that many people do hold to the belief that the severely mentally ill should be institutionalized. I think most who hold to this view do so out of fear. These people see certain news stories and they think that the world would be a much better place if the mentally ill were locked away. It is my hope that after reading this blog many minds will be changed. Now, time to talk about my points. 

It Perpetuates A Harmful Stigma Against Mental Illness 

It is a common misconception amongst the general public that the severely mentally ill are a danger to society. Everyone has seen news articles of someone shooting up a school and then the journalist concludes that he or she must have been mentally ill. This sort of rhetoric only fuels fear in people. The reality is that most people with mental illness are not violent at all. But do not take my word for it instead listen to what says, 

"Most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness" 

As a matter of fact, people with mental illness are actually ten times more likely to become victims of violent crime than they are to become perpetrators of violent crime. So, my question to you is who should we be more concerned about when it comes to the safety of people in society? The fact is when we stigmatize the mentally ill it only serves to alienate us from society and it treats us like second-class citizens. 

It Dehumanizes The Mentally Ill 

The reason that I say this is because this view treats those of us with mental illness as if we are mere animals who deserve to be locked up instead of being free. The fact is as long as those of us with mental illness are not committing crimes then we do not need to be locked away in cages. We are human beings who deserve to be treated with the same respect as anyone else in society.  The word of God tells us that all people are made in His image and thus have inherent dignity and worth. If we read Genesis 1:27, we see,  

So God created man in his own image,

in the image of God, he created him;

male and female, he created them"

This truth applies to the mentally ill as well as those who do not have a mental illness. God does not distinguish between the two nor does He show partiality. Those of us who deal with mental illness have just as much value as anyone else in society and the Body of Christ. We should not be treated as second-class citizens or criminals because of our infirmity. Finally, those who have mental illness and who get locked away in institutions tend to be mistreated by the staff. This happens more than you think. 

Now, you are most likely wondering what solution I am offering since apparently, institutionalization is not the answer. Obviously, it is not a good idea to allow the severely mentally ill to just roam the streets. The only logical solution for the severely mentally ill, who have not committed any crimes, is for them to be in a mental health group home. There are many benefits to mental health group homes. For one, they will definitely have a safe shelter to live in where their physical needs will be taken care of. Also, the staff is trained mental health professionals who will make sure they take their medications and take them to all their medical appointments.  Most of these staff will be more caring than the staff in an institution too. Finally, although they will have to follow rules, they will still have the freedom to live their lives as human beings with inherent value and dignity who are made in the Imago Dei. 

I hope that this blog has helped you better understand this controversial subject and I pray that if you are someone who holds to this belief that you will reconsider your position after reading this. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! Soli Deo Gloria! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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Monday, April 17, 2023

How God's Providence Should Affect Your Mental Health


So many Christians today are plagued with feelings of intense anxiety and fear. Whether we are worried about the future or the state of the country we are in, fear grips us all. I know in my life personally I am filled with a lot of anxiety especially when I think about my death or the death of my wife. In these moments, it helps for us to have a firm understanding of the providence of God. In this blog, I shall talk about what the Bible says about God's providence and then I will discuss how the doctrine of His providence should affect our mental health. But, first, what do I mean by God's providence? Grand Canyon University gives a simple but very clear definition of what His providence means. They say, 

 "God’s providence is God’s caring provision for his people as he guides them in their journey of faith through life, accomplishing his purpose in them. God’s mission is to save people and shape them to be more like Jesus.

As you can see by this definition, it is about God's caring provision for His people. As Christians, we believe in an infinitely powerful God who is in control of everything that comes to pass. This means that not even the tiniest molecule in space is outside of the will of God. Everything happens just as He ordains it to happen. You may be wondering exactly what scriptures I have to support this claim. Well, first I would like to turn your attention to Ephesians 1:11, which says, 

"In him, we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things to the counsel of his will" 

God works out *all* things according to His will. Theologians have distinguished between God's Sovereign Will and His Moral Will. God's Sovereign Will is His plan from eternity past where He ordains all things that come to pass and His Moral Will is the Ten Commandments that He has imprinted on all people's hearts. The best example where God's Sovereign Will and His  Moral Will meet is with Jesus Christ on the cross. On the one hand, murder is sinful (according to God's Moral Will) but on the other hand, God ordained Jesus to be crucified for the sins of His elect. As we see in Revelation 13:8, 

All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast -- all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world"

Here we see that it was part of God's plan from before the foundation of the world to see Jesus Christ crucified. Yet, when we turn to Acts 5:30, we read the following, 

"The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree"

As you can see, God still held those who killed Jesus accountable for their actions. No one can use God's sovereignty as an excuse to evade responsibility for one's actions. God will not hold him who sins to be without guilt for sin is very heinous in His sight. But, I digress. Another Scripture I'd like to turn your attention to is Romans 8:28, which says, 

"And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" 

I strongly believe that this applies to literally everything that we can go through in this life. No matter how big or small our trials and tribulations are, they are all working together for our good. We may not be able to fully comprehend how certain heinous acts are being worked out for our good, but We trust and serve an all-powerful and all-knowing God. I like to use the example of a beautiful tapestry: if we just focus on the individual squares then we will miss the big picture that the tapestry is displaying. However, all those individual squares are forming a beautiful picture for us to gaze upon. In the same way, our individual circumstances may seem like isolated events, but they are forming a much bigger and more beautiful picture than we can even imagine. It takes faith for us to look at our individual life circumstances in this way. The next and final Scripture I'd like to turn your attention to is Matthew 10:29-31. Our Lord says, 

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows" 

Here Jesus is telling us that just like the lives of a bird are in His hands to the point that not one dies without His ordination, so is it the same way for us. Our lives are completely in the Sovereign hands of God. And we can trust Him because He is completely good. So, how should the knowledge of God's providence affect our mental health? I have found that this knowledge should have three different effects on our mental health. They are the following:

1) It should cause us to rest easy 
2) It should allow us to have peace of mind about the future 
3) It should cause us to not fear death 

I will elaborate on each of these points but first I'd like to say that I know that there may be other effects this doctrine should have on our mental health. These are just the main ones I can think of right now. If you can think of any more please feel free to let me know. 

It Should Cause Us To Rest Easy 

What I mean by this is that when we understand that God is completely sovereign over everything that comes to pass and that He is working out all things for our good, we should not feel like we must work ourselves to the bone just to make ends meet. We can finally take time to rest from our work because we know that God is taking care of our needs. Someone who is working himself tirelessly to the bone is demonstrating that he does not truly trust in the providence of God. 

It Should Allow Us To Have Peace of Mind About The Future 

What I mean by this is that when we truly understand that God ordains all things that come to pass, we can trust that anything we go through in life is not a surprise to God. A certain trial we are experiencing may catch us by surprise but it definitely is not catching Him by surprise. For this reason, we can trust in Him and we can be free from anxieties no matter what we are going through. 

It Should Cause Us To Not Fear Death

What I mean by this is that when we are trusting in the Sovereignty of God, we will understand that whether we live or die it is all in His hands. We will understand that no matter what we will live as long as God decides we will live and we will die whenever He decides we will die. Contrary to popular opinion, no one "dies before their time". This is a remarkable truth that deeply affects me because I frequently think about my own death and when I do it helps me to understand that my life and death are up to God. 

I hope that this blog helps you to understand God's providence a little better and I hope that after reading this you have a little more peace of mind about your current circumstances. We serve a great God who cares for us. Thank you for reading this and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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Friday, April 14, 2023

When You Feel Alone Because Of Your Mental Illness


It is quite common for those of us with mental illness to feel alone in this world. We tend to feel this way partially because mental illness is so stigmatized in society but it is also because we are so misunderstood by society and the Church. This feeling of aloneness has led many people with mental illness to take their own lives or resort to self-harm. For those of us who are Christians, we actually have good news that should inspire us to hope instead of despair. How exactly does the Bible answer the aloneness we feel? In this blog, I will discuss the hope we have in Christ that should bring us great comfort in our moments of loneliness. However, before I get into what the Bible says concerning this topic, I would like to tell you that I understand what it feels like to feel like you are alone and no one understands you. For the majority of my life, I have always had this gnawing feeling of loneliness that I had to wrestle with. As a matter of fact, that feeling has led me to get into some very unhealthy relationships with women who did not mean me well. So, please know that I get what you may be feeling and know that I do not take this issue lightly. I completely understand how devastating and life-threatening loneliness can be. Now, how does the word of God address this topic? 

"Keep your life free from the love of money, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'." -Hebrews 13:5 

In this text, we have the beautiful promise that the infinite and holy Creator of the universe will never leave us nor forsake us. This means that the Lord is always there for those who put their faith in Christ. Even in our darkest times, we can always turn to Him and He always hears us too. This is why King Solomon can say in Proverbs 18:10, 

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe" 

In our moments of loneliness, we know that we have an infinitely powerful God who controls all things that come to pass and cares for us. We also know that the Lord is faithful to us because as 2 Timothy 2:13 tells us, 

"If we are faithless, he remains faithful-- for he cannot deny himself" 

Even when we are not faithful to Him, The Lord remains faithful to us! This means that even when we neglect to read His word, go to church regularly, or even pray, He is still right there with us. He is forever on our side! This means that we are never truly alone, despite how we are feeling at the moment. This is why the Apostle Paul can say in Romans 8:31, 

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 

Since the infinitely wise and holy and powerful God is for us, we have every reason in the world to have hope in this life and the next. This is great news for those of us who struggle with feelings of loneliness because we understand that we can never truly be alone. I know that when my feelings of loneliness creep up on me, these reminders bring me immense comfort. I know that if you take the time to meditate on these things they will bring you great comfort as well. I understand that we may still struggle with feelings of loneliness because we do not always feel the presence of God. However, when those moments creep up, it is important for us to trust His word over our own feelings. Emotions are deceptive but the word of God is not. As the writer to the Hebrews tells us in Hebrews 6:18, 

"... so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have a strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us" 

We can take God's word to the bank because we know that He is always truthful for he cannot lie. Our emotions lie to us all the time so we must not trust how we are currently feeling. God's word does not change nor is it subject to failure. God's word always accomplishes His purposes. But, what is the biblical solution for those of us who struggle with feelings of loneliness despite all these great promises from God? 

"...not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near" Hebrews 10:25 

It is vitally important for us to not forsake the gathering of the saints. We absolutely need fellowship with one another. I know that when we are feeling depression and loneliness that the last thing we want to do is be around other people. However, when we are alone we are much more susceptible to the devils' attacks. There truly is strength in numbers and when we go to church every Sunday we really do feel rejuvenated to face the rest of the week. When we participate in the weekly worship of God with the saints of God, we will have a difficult time feeling alone especially when your brothers and sisters are encouraging you in the faith. Our Christian family is much more important than our blood family in a lot of cases because our Christian family is who we will spend eternity with. You won't be spending eternity with your blood family unless they put their faith in Christ. 

I hope that this blog has encouraged you if you are feeling lonely and misunderstood. I pray that you will meditate on these truths and praise the Lord for His faithfulness to us. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Does God Have A Special Grace For Those Who Are Severely Mentally Handicapped?

A recent conversation with a friend of mine raised a very controversial topic that I felt I need to address. This topic concerns whether or not God reserves a special grace for those who are severely mentally handicapped. My friend asked me if I believe that those who literally have no comprehension will be saved and that question is something that I have had to wrestle with for many years. I will like to admit that I understand that this topic is very emotionally-charged and for good reason. No one wants to think that God will send their loved one with Down syndrome to hell for eternity. However, our concern should be with what the Bible says concerning this topic and not what our emotions say. I understand that it feels emotionally good to say that God will have special grace for someone who is severely mentally handicapped, but then again our emotions are not the final authority. God's word is the final authority. So, what exactly does the Bible say concerning this topic? Unfortunately, there is nothing explicit in the Bible that says one or another about what happens to severely mentally handicapped people when they die, but we can make some logical inferences from key texts of the Bible though. Before I get into those key texts, however, I would like to freely admit that I am most likely going to be in the minority concerning this topic because most people would probably disagree with my assessment. That is fine because I am open to dialogue concerning this topic. My main concern is being faithful to Scripture and I am not beholden to the majority opinion.  Many people will answer in the affirmative that God does have special grace for those who are severely mentally handicapped. I think this view has two fundamental errors to it: one is that it denies Scripture and the other is that it does not understand the human mind. I will elaborate on these points and then I will discuss what the biblical answer is for those who are severely mentally handicapped. 

The View Denies Scripture 

Many people who hold to the view that says God has a special grace for those who are mentally handicapped do so because they think that God will not hold someone who cannot comprehend the Gospel accountable. These people believe that someone who has a severe case of Down syndrome will freely be let into the Kingdom even if they never profess faith in Christ. This view is dangerous because it says that there is more than one way to salvation. These people are saying that one can be saved by either faith in Christ or by being born severely mentally handicapped. This is a fundamental denial of Acts 4:12 which says, 

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" 

According to this text, everyone is saved the same way and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. God does not make a distinction between persons. The mentally handicapped person is in no better position than we are. As Romans 11:12 says, 

"For there is no distinction between Jew or Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him" 

Notice how that text says there is no distinction between Jew and Greek? This means every one of us is in the same boat regardless of our mental or physical infirmities. God is the God of all people no matter their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or disability. If that is not enough to convince you, I will now turn your attention to Acts 10:34-35 which says, 

"So Peter opened his mouth and said: 'Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him"

As we can see from this text, God does not show partiality amongst His creation but treats us all as equals regardless of our race, sex, or disability status. However, the people who promote the view that God shows the mentally handicapped a special grace are saying that God does indeed show partiality towards some people. These people are calling the Lord a liar! 

As we can see clearly from the Bible, there is only one way for anyone to be saved and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. But this leads one to wonder about the mental capacity of someone who is mentally handicapped. Can they comprehend enough to know to put their faith in Christ? Those who hold to this view will answer in the negative. I would disagree with them and that leads me to my next point. 

This View Misunderstands The Human Mind 

The people who hold to the view that God has a special grace for those who are severely mentally handicapped do so because they believe that the person in question cannot comprehend the Gospel. I submit that these people are merely looking at outward appearance when they make that claim. However, 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us, 

"But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"

What does God see when He looks at the human heart exactly? Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the human heart is "deceitfully wicked above all things". This means that even the severely mentally handicapped person is wicked in his heart. The human mind can comprehend much more than we give it credit even when the human body is weak and failing. The evidence of this is coma patients. When someone is in a coma they are still able to hear and comprehend everything that is said and going on around them. This is why doctors encourage family members to speak to their loved ones who are comatose. My question to you is this: If a coma patient can comprehend what is going on around them, then what makes you think that a severely mentally handicapped individual, who is not comatose, cannot comprehend things? We must avoid the fallacy of judging these people based off of physical appearance and understand that the Lord can and does work within their minds. So, even when these people appear to not comprehend much, their mind is still very active. You may be wondering now, what is the biblical solution for reaching someone who is severely mentally handicapped with the Gospel and that leads me to my final point. 

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" -Romans 10:17 

The biblical solution for reaching someone who is severely mentally handicapped with the Gospel is surprisingly the same method God uses to reach anyone else: preaching! This may seem like a trite statement to make but as we have seen God shows no partiality. This means that His way of reaching one person is going to be the same way He reaches another person regardless of their infirmities. However, for certain types of people (specifically, those who are severely mentally handicapped) you may have to get very creative with how you preach the Gospel to them. Sometimes you may have to pick up special training to learn how to effectively communicate with the mentally handicapped loved one. Regardless of whatever form the preaching takes, the word of God tells us that faith comes by hearing the preached word of God. You can take great encouragement with this because you understand that there is hope in Christ for your mentally handicapped loved one to be saved. You can also be encouraged by the fact that your loved one is not a vegetable like proponents of the "special grace" view seem to think they are. 

I hope that this blog has cleared up this issue for your once and for all. I understand that the view I am proposing is not a popular view and it does not feel right but as Christians, we should stand on the authority of God's word above how we may feel about it. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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Monday, April 10, 2023

How To Share The Gospel With A Mentally Ill Loved One?


Someone recently asked me how one is to witness to someone who has a mental illness. This is a concern that I have found is a common concern among people who have loved ones who suffer from a mental illness. On the one hand, I completely understand this concern, but on the other hand, I feel this concern is from a misunderstanding of the nature of mental illness. People seem to think that their mentally ill loved one somehow needs to be treated differently from other people. While it is true that we do have certain things that trigger us, we are just like everyone else you may know in your life. So, as long as you keep in mind what triggers us, it should not be difficult for you to treat us the way you would treat anyone else. However, for those of you who do not know what it looks like to minister to a loved one with mental illness, I am writing this blog to help you out. If you follow this blog's advice, you should be able to minister easier to your loved one with mental illness. I do not want you to get discouraged because the advice I am dispensing is for anyone. However, I want you to know that dealing with someone with a mental illness will be challenging. It can and will push you to your limits. But, when you do this it will be one of the most rewarding things that you will ever do. When sharing the Gospel with a loved one with mental illness, there are five things to always remember. These five things are the following: 

1) Keep It Simple 
2) Do Not Argue 
3) Be Prayerful 
4) Avoid Trigger Topics 
5) Encourage Fellowship 

I will now elaborate on these five points but first I would like to say that if this sounds simple it is because it really is. As I have previously stated, dealing with a mentally ill loved one is really no different than dealing with someone without a mental illness. If you keep this in mind then I believe you will do just fine. 

Keep It Simple 

This may sound like trite advice, but I know that for those of us who have been Christians for a while we tend to over-complicate the Gospel message especially if they are avid studiers of theology. Sometimes we overthink how we are going to present the Gospel message to someone and then when we actually do it we come across as "know-it-alls" or "holier-than-thou". Your loved one with mental illness does not need an overly complicated Gospel message. All you need to do is keep it to the simple message of Christ being crucified on the cross for our sins and bodily resurrecting from the dead. There is absolutely zero need to bring in deep theology or any other antics to convince them to believe. Allow the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts and minds. 

Do Not Argue 

Again, this may sound like trite advice, but it needs to be said because so many of us tend to think that we can argue someone into the Kingdom of God. However, you absolutely cannot do this with a loved one with a mental illness. So many of us get easily triggered by controversy and so an argument may set us over the edge. If your loved one is saying things that seem contrary to the Word of God, it would be best for you to just politely change the subject to a more light-hearted topic for the time being. You can always return to the Gospel at a later time. 

Be Prayerful 

I cannot stress to you how important it is to always be in prayer for your loved one with mental illness. There is power when a Christian prays because we are united to the God of the universe who is in control of all things including your loved one's heart. If you keep this in mind, then you really have no excuse to not pray for them. Your loved one needs you praying for them more than they need anything else so do not forget to do this every chance you get. 

Avoid Trigger Topics 

This one gets a little more difficult because it requires you to know a little about your loved one. You need to be aware of what triggers their mental health symptoms. For example, when I read the Psalms, sometimes it triggers my voices. So, when witnessing to me it would not be a good idea to take me to the Psalms right away. If someone has panic attacks, it would be helpful for you to be aware of what triggers their panic attacks so you can avoid those triggers. This may require you to actually ask your loved one to explain what their triggers are. When you do ask them, do not judge them for their triggers either even if they may seem silly to you. They are very real and troublesome to them and they do not need anyone judging them for their triggers. If you make them feel judged, then they will not trust you and you will have lost your chance at witnessing the Gospel to them. 

Encourage Fellowship

One of the primary signs of mental illness is that we tend to isolate ourselves from people. This actually is a very destructive thing for us to do because then we get stuck in our own minds and spiral out of control. For this reason, we need to be encouraged to remain in fellowship with other believers. So, make sure you encourage your loved one to stay in church even if you have to offer to give them a ride to church. Do not allow us to skip out on fellowshipping with the saints no matter how hard we try. We can be very stubborn about this but if you are consistently offering to take us to church then eventually that consistency will pay off. So many of us think that people do not care about us but if you consistently show that you do care then that will have a profound impact on our minds. Remind us of the scriptural mandate to not forsake the gathering and remind us who our spiritual family in Christ is too. We need these reminders daily because it is so easy for us to forget especially when we are lost in our own thoughts. 

I hope that this gives you a better idea of what it looks like to minister to a loved one with mental illness and I pray that you will remember these tips when you talk to your loved one about the Gospel. Thank you for reading this blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all!!! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

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The Mental Health Of Benefits of Reading Books

  As an avid reader of many books, I can testify to the many mental health benefits of reading good books. I know it may sound strange to he...