Saturday, August 26, 2023

What's So Bad About Adultery?

The sin of adultery is one of the most glamorized sins in our culture today. Many secular people seem to believe that it is a harmless thing to have an affair these days. These same people may not outright champion adultery, but at the same time, they will not condemn it either. Part of the reason for this travesty is because of how adultery is presented in our media these days. Hollywood is notorious for portraying adultery as an easy way to escape an unbearable or "boring" marriage. At the same time, the idea of marriage is constantly being ridiculed and mocked by our media. For this reason, many people have lost respect for the institution of marriage. No longer do people understand why marriage is so important when we live in a world where everyone is just "shacking up". And not only is there no respect for marriage anymore, but people no longer understand why divorce is so bad either. Many people seem to have forgotten what was said by the prophet Malachi in chapter 2 verse 16, 

"For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts." 

In other words, God sees a man divorcing his wife as the same thing as if he physically assaulted her! This is how serious the topic of divorce is to the Lord. I believe many people do know how wrong divorce is in the Lord's eyes, but they still want out of an undesirable marriage. For this reason, they turn to adultery because they see that it is an "easy" way out. These people think that as long as they are not caught everything will be alright because no one will be hurt. Sometimes, these people will resort to seeking adultery in other ways rather than with someone else. What do I mean by this exactly? I am talking about pornography. Yes, I said it. When you look at porn, it is the same thing as committing adultery. Why do I say this? Well, it is because that is what our Lord says. If you turn to Matthew 5:28, we read the following, 

"But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart" 

Our Lord clearly sees lust and adultery as the same thing. So, whenever you turn on your computer or phone to look up porn, just know that according to God you are being sexually unfaithful to your spouse. By the way, sexual infidelity is the reason Jesus gives for divorce (Matthew 5:32). 

So, why does the Lord see adultery as such a heinous sin exactly? For me to answer that question, I must take you all the way to the beginning. In Genesis chapter 1, we read of how God created the whole world and universe. Then, in Genesis chapter 2, we read of the creation of the first man, Adam. The Lord gave Adam a job to name all the animals in the Garden of Eden, which caused Adam to see that there was no helper suitable for him. Then the Lord did something remarkable. In verses 21 and 22, the Lord put Adam to sleep and pulled a rib out of him. He then created the first woman, Eve, from that rib. This miracle of the Lord was so amazing to Adam that he exclaimed, 

"This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man" 

Adam was obviously very pleased with the work that the Lord had done for him. The chapter concludes in verses 24 through 25, 

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and unashamed" 

What does all this have to do with why adultery is so heinous in God's eyes? Well, if we turn to Ephesians 5:25-32, we read the following, 

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes it and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. 'Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and his church" 

The Apostle Paul is basically painting us a picture of marriage being the exact representation of Christ's relationship with His church. This is why all believers in the Lord are called the literal Bride of Christ. The reason why adultery is such a heinous sin in God's eyes is because it tarnishes the image of Christ and His bride. The reason that I say this is because Jesus will never be unfaithful to His bride just like He will never divorce His bride either. 

Now, that you have seen why adultery is so bad in the Lord's eyes, I shall discuss the negative impact adultery has on society. I will begin with lust since it is easily the most common way people commit adultery. According to Fight The New Drug

"Most kids today are exposed to porn by the age of 13" 

As a result of that fact, 73% of teens today have seen porn. It is because of this, that 53% of boys and 39% of girls think that what they see in pornography are accurate depictions of what sex is really like. This is the reason why most porn consumers report that they are less satisfied with their relationships, less committed to their partner, and more accepting of cheating! This is a travesty of epic proportions! As a result of all of the lustful content we are consuming, people are becoming more accepting of infidelity! If that does not alarm you to the evil of lust, then I do not know what will. 

What about the physical act of adultery? I mean, what is so wrong about committing the actual act as long as no one knows about it right? According to the National Library of Medicine, 

"Infidelity causes grief and relational problems to the individual, the couple, and even their offspring. It was found to be associated with depression, anxiety, and even PTSD, leading to divorce" 

The same article goes on to explain that as a result of an adulterous affair, both parties can experience bouts of suicidality. For the one being injured by adultery, the suicidality will be triggered by feelings of depression and anxiety. For the perpetrator of an adulterous affair, the bout of suicidality will be triggered by anxiety and guilt over being found out. 

I hope that this blog helps you understand why adultery, in whatever form it takes, is completely heinous in God's eyes, both from a Scriptural perspective and from a practical perspective. If you are someone who has been caught committing adultery, please know that there is forgiveness in Christ. He was sent to the cross to die for all of our sins. All you need to do is repent of your adultery and surrender your life to the Lord. When you do this, there will no longer be any condemnation for you (Romans 8:1) because we will finally be at peace with God (Romans 5:1). Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website



  1. Great article. Lust definitely has a stronghold on a lot of men. It's time for genuine repentance and to respect our vows to the ones we're supposed to love more than life!


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