Friday, September 29, 2023

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?


In these modern times, Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many more, have grown in popularity. Many young people from adolescents to adulthood seem to have become addicted to these sites, even spending an inordinate amount of time on them. Actually, according to, about 95% of adolescents from 10 to 17 are using Social Media almost constantly.   It is for this reason that some people have raised some concerns about Social Media. Are these concerns valid or not? Are there any good things about Social Media or are they all bad? In this blog, I shall discuss some of the pros and cons of Social Media. Afterward, I would like to leave you with a lesson we can learn from the Bible when it comes to how we use Social Media platforms. Before I get started, however, I would like to say that I am not against Social Media. I use Social Media myself so I cannot be hypocritical by saying it is all bad. If it were not for platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, I would have never met my amazing wife and most of my good friends. However, the pros and cons of Social Media still need to be addressed. So, that is what I intend to do with this blog. 

I would like to start this by first talking about some of the Pros of Social Media. I know I know, you are probably thinking, "Are there any Pros?" If that is what you are thinking, please continue reading. From my own experience, I have found there to be at least three Pros to Social Media. These are the following: 

1) Community 

2) Helps People "Come Out Of Their Shells" 

3) Gets The Gospel Out To A Broad Amount Of People 

I will elaborate on each of these points, but I first would like to say that these are not the only Pros of Social Media. These are just the main ones I choose to focus on for this blog. Please feel free to leave a comment below if you can think of more. Now, it is time for me to explain these points. 


As I have stated earlier, I would have never been able to meet my wife or some of my best friends if it were not for Social Media. Social Media has a way of connecting people from all across the globe. There are literally thousands of Facebook groups of any different category you can think of. There are dating groups, Christian fellowship groups, debate groups, and much more. No matter what your niche is, there is probably a group for it. And if there is not a group for it, you could always create one and people will join it. Facebook and YouTube (and many other Social Media sites) have really created a way for many different people to connect with one another. 

Helps People "Come Out Of Their Shells" 

It should go without saying, but many of us with mental illness tend to be socially awkward in public. As a result of this, we tend to hide our true selves when we are out with other people. It is for this reason that most people do not really get to know the "real us". Social Media provides us with a safe place for us to be ourselves, however. We can express identities on Social Media without fear of ridicule most of the time. It is for this reason, that so many of us gravitate towards Social Media sites because they feel safe for us. Normal people may not be able to fully understand what this is like because they do not have trouble socializing in public. However, those of us with mental illness need a safe place to be ourselves to escape the stigma that is against us. If it were not for Social Media, most of us would never socialize with anyone in the world. 

Gets The Gospel Out To A Broad Amount of People 

This is probably the most important Pro of Social Media. It is because of Social Media Sites such as YouTube that the Gospel can spread to the broadest amount of people in the fastest way possible. Back in the day, we would have to send missionaries one at a time out into the world to physically preach the Gospel to people. However, these days, all we need is a computer or smartphone with internet access. Then, we just upload a video on the internet that will reach thousands or millions of people worldwide in an instant. We truly live in a remarkable time for the spreading of the Gospel. 

Even though there are all these Pros to Social Media, there are some Cons as well. So, what are some of these Cons, you ask? Well, I have found there to be three harmful Cons to Mental Health because of Social Media. They are the following: 

1) People With Pre-existing Mental Disorders Spend an Inordinate Amount of Time on Social

2) Self-Objectifying 

3) A Breeding Ground For Eating Disorders 

I will elaborate on each of these points, but I need to specify that these are not the only Cons of Social Media, they are the main ones. If you can think of any more, please let me know. Now, time to explain these points. 

People With Pre-Existing Mental Disorders Spend An Inordinate Amount of Time On Social Media

As I have already pointed out, Social Media gives people with mental illness an outlet to socialize and be themselves without actually having to go out into the public. While this can be good somewhat, it can also be bad too. The reason why I say this is because we can become obsessed with Social Media to the point where we never get out of our own homes. This means we never socialize with anyone outside our computer screens and that is harmful because we were not created to isolate. God created us to be social creatures and that is why The Lord commands us to not forsake the fellowship of believers. I know we can have fellowship on the Internet, but we need to fellowship with actual people outside the Internet as well. Facebook grants us an illusion of friendship on the internet, but most of the people we are "friends" with on that platform will never truly know us like people who know us personally. This is why it is always best to get to know people outside the Internet. I know for some of us this sounds scary, but if you just force yourself out there, you will find the world to be a welcoming place for the most part, especially if you meet people inside a church community. 


This is one of the biggest Cons of Social Media because it affects so many young people today, especially young women. These days people are bombarded with messages of what an attractive man or woman is supposed to look like. Social Media is no different. People on Social Media are constantly posting pictures of themselves looking their best to get "likes" and compliments. They literally live for "likes" and compliments because it affects their self-esteem. However, what most people do not realize is the fact that most of these people do not look like what their profile picture says they look like. The reason they look the way they do in their profile picture is because of Photoshop, a lot of make-up, filters, or some other means. If you were to meet these people in real life, you would be really surprised to see what they actually look like. 

A Breeding Ground For Eating Disorders 

According to the Dove Self-Esteem Project, 9 in 10 children and adolescents from ages 10 to 17 are exposed to toxic beauty content on Social Media and about 1 in 2 say that it has hurt their mental health. This is especially common among young women. It is for this reason that many young people feel like they are not attractive unless they look some sort of way. These people are constantly comparing themselves to other people they see on Social Media and think that to be attractive they must weigh a certain number. As a result, many young people either become anorexic or bulimic. They do this because they feel that they have to do this to match up to society's standard of beauty and attractiveness. 

Now that I have discussed the Pros and Cons of Social Media, it is time for me to talk about the Biblical lesson I have for those of us on Social Media. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:23, 

"All things are lawful, but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive or edifying" 

As you can see from this text, all things are lawful for us. This would include Social Media. That means being on Social Media is not a sin in and of itself. We do not need to feel like we are sinning against the Lord just because we are on Social Media. However, as Paul goes on to say, not everything is beneficial for us. When it comes to Social Media, it is not beneficial for us to be on it constantly. As with everything, it is always wise, to use moderation when it comes to Social Media. We should not be on it so much that it interferes with daily living or socializing with people outside of the Internet. This does not mean we should never be on the Internet. But, it does mean that we should not obsess over Social Media. 

I hope that this blog helps you understand the Pros and Cons of Social Media and whether you decide to go on it or not, keep these things in mind. Social Media is neither good nor evil, but it can be used for either good or evil. It all depends on how you use it. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and may the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website

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