Thursday, August 18, 2022

What Is True Love?

In a previous blog, I presented a compelling case establishing how unbelievers are incapable of real genuine love according to the Bible. However, the question that should be raised is “Well, what is real love?” As I have said before we live in a culture that uses the word “love” very flippantly without regard for its actual meaning. We say we “love” just about anything or anyone these days. Although, we use the word all the time in our language, many of us do not even have a proper knowledge of what love is while at the same time we idolize the concept of love. Many in our culture seem to think that love is only mere emotion and others seem to believe that love is some kind Of ubiquitous force that is “bigger than the two of us”. My concern in this blog is to present what God’s word says real love is and that is what I intend to do here. Pastor Voddie Baucham once said, 

“Biblical love is an act of the will, accompanied by emotion, that is directed onto its object” 

Love, according to biblical standards is first and foremost a choice not emotion but that doesn’t mean it is devoid of emotion. The text that I would like to cover in this blog is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. I am sure you’re familiar with this passage but I think we should look at it again with fresh eyes and then I will break it down for you afterwards. I would like to note that as I am going through text, you may get discouraged because you will realize that you don’t love the way God says you should love. That is perfectly fine because for those of us who are in Christ there is no condemnation (Romans 8:1). We need to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ because as God He perfectly embodies exactly what love truly is. As we keep our focus on Him, and let the Holy Spirit sanctify us, we will naturally become more loving. Anyways, so 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says, 

“Love is patient; love is kind, Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” 

I will now expound on each of these point by point: 

•Love Is Patient 
Real love requires us to always remain calm in every and all circumstances and to make every attempt to see the other person’s perspective as more important and valid than our own. 

•Love Is Kind 
Real love requires us to never speak a mean word to another, either out of anger or joking. Actually, real love requires that we never get unrighteously angry towards another. 

•Love Does Not Envy 
Real Love requires us to always consider others as more important and more deserving than ourselves. 

•It Is Not Conceited 
Real love requires that we always remain humble and teachable in all circumstances. 

•Does Not Act Improperly 
Real love requires us to always behave in an appropriate manner and with honesty and integrity in all circumstances Coarse joking and crude humor really has no place in real love. 

•Is Not Selfish 
Real love requires us to sacrifice ALL our needs and desires for another person. Love demands us to consider others as much more important than ourselves and that we never think more highly of ourselves than we ought. 

•Is Not Provoked 
Real love requires us to always maintain self-control and never lash out in anger. We should never be prone to unrighteousness anger. 

•Does Not Keep A Record Of Wrongs 
Real love requires us to always be quick and ready to forgive another regardless of whether or not they ask for forgiveness. 

•Finds No Joy In Unrighteousness, But Rejoices With The Truth 
Real love requires us to never be happy with sin and will never encourage nor lead one into sin. The whole “ride or die” mentality is not real love. 

•Bears All Things 
Real love requires that you continue to love another regardless of of circumstance. 

• Believes All Things 
Real love requires you to look to the best in another  person at all times and never to focus on their negative traits. 

•Hopes All Things 
Real love requires you to always remain optimistic about the other person and the future. 

•Endures All Things 
Real love requires that you continue loving no matter regardless of how you are treated. 

•Love Never Ends 
Real love requires you to remain consistent in your love. You shouldn’t be loving one day and then take a break the next day. Love needs to remain consistent. 

I know this sets the bar really high and it’s meant to show you that absolutely none of us actually fulfill this standard perfectly. I know I sure don’t. However, this is why we all need Jesus Christ because as the man who is fully God He demonstrated for us exactly what real love is when The Lord took our punishment upon Himself on the cross. Afterwards, the Lord rose from the dead in order to give us new life in Him. Anyone be trusts in Jesus Christ will become a new creation with a new heart and desires. Only then will we be able to love people and love God the way we were created to be. 

I hope you found this edifying to you and I thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please leave your comments below. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you all! 

-David Lee Chu Sarchet 
Christian Mental Health Advocate 

Check Out The Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website:

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