***The Following is a Fictional account of a man named Skyler Clark who struggles with Schizophrenia. This is not about me. There might be some triggering subject matter. If you are easily triggered, do not read this. ***

It has been about a week and a half since my meeting with Dr. Goodman and I feel perfectly fine. I honestly think that that doctor did not know what he was talking about. What was thinking about diagnosing ME with Schizoaffective Disorder?! I did some research on that diagnosis and I do not meet the criteria. I do not have hallucinations or delusions and I am in perfect control over my emotions. Do I need to sleep more? Maybe. But, I get along just fine with very little sleep. Some people do not need that much sleep. I think that doctor was just jealous and intimidated by my genius. So, he decided to label me looney. Well, he is not going to lock me up in the looney bin. I do not need to be there. I did pick up the medication he prescribed to me, but I threw the bottle away right when I got home. My wife does not know that I did that and I am not going to tell her. She would just get angry and tell me to go back to Dr. Goodman to get another prescription. Sometimes I think she is against me and I no longer think I made the right decision in marrying her. I am not happy with this marriage. You may wonder why, but would you be happy with a wife who is constantly berating you and trying to control you?
I decide to take a walk in the park. I always love going to the park because it is so peaceful there. It gives me the chance to relax my mind for a while. There is a slight breeze and it is sunny. I love this weather. I am listening to Bone Thugs N' Harmony on my MP3 Player and I notice that flying cat with a human face again. This time it is not laughing. The cat is actually chasing a grotesque-looking squirrel. I decide to watch this carry-on because I hope the cat kills that squirrel. It is so ugly that it does not deserve to live. I know I should not say that about one of God's creatures, but that squirrel is hideous. God made a mistake when He created that thing. Some white guy in cargo shorts approaches me and asks me if I am alright. I look at him with disgust. How dare this peasant even stand in my presence! I do not bother answering him because he is interrupting the show between the flying cat and the squirrel. I actually missed the squirrel sprout wings and begin flying himself. This is actually getting very interesting. I quietly laugh to myself because this whole scene is actually quite humorous. The man walks away.
Once the flying cat catches the grotesque-looking squirrel and eats it alive, I decide to continue my walk because I have now been satisfied. That ugly squirrel got what he deserves. Justice was served. I decide that I am starting to get hungry so I leave the park and head to the Burger King that is right around the corner. I've been there many times. I do not particularly like Burger King, but I just need to put something in me because I skipped breakfast. I feel famished. As I step inside, some old woman is staring at me with her cold, dead eyes. I glare at her and then flip her off. She immediately looks away. I am getting tired of people thinking they can stare at me. I get that they are admiring my greatness, but they should look for a second and then look away. Didn't these people's parents ever teach them that it is impolite to stare? Some people's kids, I swear. I stand in line and wait to take my order. I guess I could have used the self-checkout order taker, but I do not like those machines. However, this line is moving very slowly because these idiots are taking forever just to give their orders. I am becoming increasingly agitated. I start to groan and the African-American guy in front of me looks at me with an angry look. I angrily ask him what his problem is. Then, he turns around and looks me square in my eyes.
"Who are you talking to with that bass in your tone?" He drops an expletive. At this point, I get very pissed off. He honestly thinks he can swear at me? This guy is crazy.
"It looks like I am talking to a big idiot," I tell the man. I am not normally like this, but at this point, I do not care anymore. He basically started this altercation. He begins yelling at me and saying even more expletives. I begin laughing my butt off. For some reason, I find this whole thing hilarious. He then says, "You think this is funny, boy?"
"Well, actually, yes I do because you are acting like a monkey," I reply and he then proceeds to punch me right in my jaw. He did it so quickly that I did not even see it coming. I stumble for a second before saying, "What the hell is your problem, dude?" All of a sudden, I see a man come in with a baseball bat. I immediately feel a sense of relief. This man will protect me from this buffoon. However, the man looks at me and says, "Skyler, you need to punch this guy back. Hit him in his eye. If you give him a black eye, he will back down".
I feel confused. How does this man know my name, I wonder. I look at him and ask him that question and he simply says he knows everything about me. This scares me because I have never seen this man in my entire life. The African-American man then asks me, "Yo, who are you talking to? Are you retarded?" At this, I get very angry. How dare this man think I am retarded. Doesn't this man know that I am a Nobel Prize Award winner? I proceed to attempt to punch him in the eye, but the man blocks my punch and he then punches me in the face again. This time he punches me so hard that I fall down. Everyone is staring at this whole thing and no one bothers to help. The man with the bat yells at me to stand up and attack the African-American man. I am beginning to feel scared. The African-American man is asking me if I had enough. I then stand to my feet and run out of the Burger King before the man beats me up some more. Once I am outside, I feel a sense of relief, but I am a little embarrassed.
As I am walking back home, I decided to listen to 2 Pac on my MP3 Player. I am still reeling from that butt-kicking I received. I am just glad that it was not worse. I notice that my lip is bleeding a little bit. Once I am home, I will take care of that. I notice the flying cat again and this time it is laughing at me. I ask it what the hell it is laughing at and it says calmly, "You, of course, dummy". I get scared because cats aren't supposed to talk. Well, this is a unique cat because it has a human face. If it has a human face, then why is it so weird that it talks with a human voice? Regardless, I begin running home.
As soon as I get home, my wife asks me why I am out of breath. I ignore her and head straight to the bathroom to take care of my lip. I am going to have a fat lip. When I come out of the bathroom, my wife says she cooked us lunch. I actually love it when she cooks. I tell her thanks, but when she comes closer to give me a kiss, she notices my fat lip. She asks me what happened. I move away from her. I know she is genuinely concerned but I do not want my wife to know her husband just got his butt kicked. It would only cause her to worry. Besides, I am still embarrassed by the whole thing. She tells me to sit down at the table as she begins to pull out a pizza from the oven. I love pizza. My wife always knows exactly how to cheer me up. As we are eating, she is talking about her day so far, but all I hear is her droning on and on. I keep hearing Bill Gates reminding me that I need to get on with building that Enterprise. I know I do, but I need some time. Bill Gates is getting increasingly more annoyed, which in turn makes me agitated. How dare he get mad at me! I am doing him a favor!
"Honey, did you hear me?" My wife's voice interrupts Bill Gates' voice. I look at her and apologize. I tell her that I need to excuse myself because Mr. Gates needs me to get on my job.
"What do you mean by that? Is your medication not working?" She asks me. There she goes asking me about that poison. I immediately get angry. I am reminded now about why I am not happy with this marriage. I tell her that I am not going to put that stuff in my body. She looks horrified. I walk away from her. I can't believe she wants me to take that poison. I bet she thinks I need to be in the looney bin too. She does not love me. I end up locking myself in my office. That's the only place where I can find solace in this house. I overhear her talking to a police dispatcher on the phone. I get pissed off about this and proceed to come out of my office. I yell at her and tell her to hang up the phone right now. She gets scared, but she stays on the phone. I yell again, but this time I slam a plate on the floor. It shatters. She then hangs up because she now knows that I mean business. She begins crying and she runs to our bedroom and I head back to my office.
As I am sitting at my desk, I am listening to some Insane Clown Posse on my radio to calm me down. I cannot believe she would call the police on me. I know she was against me. I begin contemplating filing for divorce. I do not think that I could live with her anymore. All of a sudden, I hear a knock at our door. I get up to go answer it. Upon opening the door, I see two uniformed police officers. They introduce themselves as Office Johnson and Officer Jackson. I let them into my house. They immediate start interrogating me.
"What's going on between you and your wife?" Officer Jackson asks me. I look him directly into his eyes. I think to myself that I cannot show them any fear because they will take advantage if I do.
"Nothing officer, she just is acting more like my enemy lately than my wife" I answer him. The officer looks confused by this.
"What do you mean?" Officer Jackson asks me. He must be an idiot like Dr. Goodman. The police force has really gone downhill these days. I begin to explain to them how she wants me to take poison that the doctor says I need, but I refuse. The officers just nod their heads. Freaking morons. They begin to ask me about the altercation at Burger King. How did they know about that? Are they following me? At this, I flip out and start yelling at them to leave my house.
"Sir, I am going to need you to calm down." Officer Johnson proceeds to tell me. I get even more angry and I yell even louder. Then, I try to push them out of my house. That was stupid of me. I should have known not to put my hands on the police. They immediately restrained me and slapped handcuffs on me. I look up and see my wife staring at me. Even my own wife is staring at me with those cold eyes. Whatever. My wife is also jealous of my brilliance. The police take me outside and place me in the back of their police car. I am not having a good day. First, I get beat up, and now I am going to jail. Or so, I think. As I am riding in their car, I notice that we are heading to Memorial Hospital. Oh, great, they think I am looney too. Well, the jokes on them because the hospital staff will be so enamored by my genius that they will say I am perfectly sane. These cops are morons.
Stay Tuned For Part 3 Of This Series...
-David Lee Chu Sarchet
Christian Mental Health Advocate
Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website
Check out the other Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website
I decide to take a walk in the park. I always love going to the park because it is so peaceful there. It gives me the chance to relax my mind for a while. There is a slight breeze and it is sunny. I love this weather. I am listening to Bone Thugs N' Harmony on my MP3 Player and I notice that flying cat with a human face again. This time it is not laughing. The cat is actually chasing a grotesque-looking squirrel. I decide to watch this carry-on because I hope the cat kills that squirrel. It is so ugly that it does not deserve to live. I know I should not say that about one of God's creatures, but that squirrel is hideous. God made a mistake when He created that thing. Some white guy in cargo shorts approaches me and asks me if I am alright. I look at him with disgust. How dare this peasant even stand in my presence! I do not bother answering him because he is interrupting the show between the flying cat and the squirrel. I actually missed the squirrel sprout wings and begin flying himself. This is actually getting very interesting. I quietly laugh to myself because this whole scene is actually quite humorous. The man walks away.
Once the flying cat catches the grotesque-looking squirrel and eats it alive, I decide to continue my walk because I have now been satisfied. That ugly squirrel got what he deserves. Justice was served. I decide that I am starting to get hungry so I leave the park and head to the Burger King that is right around the corner. I've been there many times. I do not particularly like Burger King, but I just need to put something in me because I skipped breakfast. I feel famished. As I step inside, some old woman is staring at me with her cold, dead eyes. I glare at her and then flip her off. She immediately looks away. I am getting tired of people thinking they can stare at me. I get that they are admiring my greatness, but they should look for a second and then look away. Didn't these people's parents ever teach them that it is impolite to stare? Some people's kids, I swear. I stand in line and wait to take my order. I guess I could have used the self-checkout order taker, but I do not like those machines. However, this line is moving very slowly because these idiots are taking forever just to give their orders. I am becoming increasingly agitated. I start to groan and the African-American guy in front of me looks at me with an angry look. I angrily ask him what his problem is. Then, he turns around and looks me square in my eyes.
"Who are you talking to with that bass in your tone?" He drops an expletive. At this point, I get very pissed off. He honestly thinks he can swear at me? This guy is crazy.
"It looks like I am talking to a big idiot," I tell the man. I am not normally like this, but at this point, I do not care anymore. He basically started this altercation. He begins yelling at me and saying even more expletives. I begin laughing my butt off. For some reason, I find this whole thing hilarious. He then says, "You think this is funny, boy?"
"Well, actually, yes I do because you are acting like a monkey," I reply and he then proceeds to punch me right in my jaw. He did it so quickly that I did not even see it coming. I stumble for a second before saying, "What the hell is your problem, dude?" All of a sudden, I see a man come in with a baseball bat. I immediately feel a sense of relief. This man will protect me from this buffoon. However, the man looks at me and says, "Skyler, you need to punch this guy back. Hit him in his eye. If you give him a black eye, he will back down".
I feel confused. How does this man know my name, I wonder. I look at him and ask him that question and he simply says he knows everything about me. This scares me because I have never seen this man in my entire life. The African-American man then asks me, "Yo, who are you talking to? Are you retarded?" At this, I get very angry. How dare this man think I am retarded. Doesn't this man know that I am a Nobel Prize Award winner? I proceed to attempt to punch him in the eye, but the man blocks my punch and he then punches me in the face again. This time he punches me so hard that I fall down. Everyone is staring at this whole thing and no one bothers to help. The man with the bat yells at me to stand up and attack the African-American man. I am beginning to feel scared. The African-American man is asking me if I had enough. I then stand to my feet and run out of the Burger King before the man beats me up some more. Once I am outside, I feel a sense of relief, but I am a little embarrassed.
As I am walking back home, I decided to listen to 2 Pac on my MP3 Player. I am still reeling from that butt-kicking I received. I am just glad that it was not worse. I notice that my lip is bleeding a little bit. Once I am home, I will take care of that. I notice the flying cat again and this time it is laughing at me. I ask it what the hell it is laughing at and it says calmly, "You, of course, dummy". I get scared because cats aren't supposed to talk. Well, this is a unique cat because it has a human face. If it has a human face, then why is it so weird that it talks with a human voice? Regardless, I begin running home.
As soon as I get home, my wife asks me why I am out of breath. I ignore her and head straight to the bathroom to take care of my lip. I am going to have a fat lip. When I come out of the bathroom, my wife says she cooked us lunch. I actually love it when she cooks. I tell her thanks, but when she comes closer to give me a kiss, she notices my fat lip. She asks me what happened. I move away from her. I know she is genuinely concerned but I do not want my wife to know her husband just got his butt kicked. It would only cause her to worry. Besides, I am still embarrassed by the whole thing. She tells me to sit down at the table as she begins to pull out a pizza from the oven. I love pizza. My wife always knows exactly how to cheer me up. As we are eating, she is talking about her day so far, but all I hear is her droning on and on. I keep hearing Bill Gates reminding me that I need to get on with building that Enterprise. I know I do, but I need some time. Bill Gates is getting increasingly more annoyed, which in turn makes me agitated. How dare he get mad at me! I am doing him a favor!
"Honey, did you hear me?" My wife's voice interrupts Bill Gates' voice. I look at her and apologize. I tell her that I need to excuse myself because Mr. Gates needs me to get on my job.
"What do you mean by that? Is your medication not working?" She asks me. There she goes asking me about that poison. I immediately get angry. I am reminded now about why I am not happy with this marriage. I tell her that I am not going to put that stuff in my body. She looks horrified. I walk away from her. I can't believe she wants me to take that poison. I bet she thinks I need to be in the looney bin too. She does not love me. I end up locking myself in my office. That's the only place where I can find solace in this house. I overhear her talking to a police dispatcher on the phone. I get pissed off about this and proceed to come out of my office. I yell at her and tell her to hang up the phone right now. She gets scared, but she stays on the phone. I yell again, but this time I slam a plate on the floor. It shatters. She then hangs up because she now knows that I mean business. She begins crying and she runs to our bedroom and I head back to my office.
As I am sitting at my desk, I am listening to some Insane Clown Posse on my radio to calm me down. I cannot believe she would call the police on me. I know she was against me. I begin contemplating filing for divorce. I do not think that I could live with her anymore. All of a sudden, I hear a knock at our door. I get up to go answer it. Upon opening the door, I see two uniformed police officers. They introduce themselves as Office Johnson and Officer Jackson. I let them into my house. They immediate start interrogating me.
"What's going on between you and your wife?" Officer Jackson asks me. I look him directly into his eyes. I think to myself that I cannot show them any fear because they will take advantage if I do.
"Nothing officer, she just is acting more like my enemy lately than my wife" I answer him. The officer looks confused by this.
"What do you mean?" Officer Jackson asks me. He must be an idiot like Dr. Goodman. The police force has really gone downhill these days. I begin to explain to them how she wants me to take poison that the doctor says I need, but I refuse. The officers just nod their heads. Freaking morons. They begin to ask me about the altercation at Burger King. How did they know about that? Are they following me? At this, I flip out and start yelling at them to leave my house.
"Sir, I am going to need you to calm down." Officer Johnson proceeds to tell me. I get even more angry and I yell even louder. Then, I try to push them out of my house. That was stupid of me. I should have known not to put my hands on the police. They immediately restrained me and slapped handcuffs on me. I look up and see my wife staring at me. Even my own wife is staring at me with those cold eyes. Whatever. My wife is also jealous of my brilliance. The police take me outside and place me in the back of their police car. I am not having a good day. First, I get beat up, and now I am going to jail. Or so, I think. As I am riding in their car, I notice that we are heading to Memorial Hospital. Oh, great, they think I am looney too. Well, the jokes on them because the hospital staff will be so enamored by my genius that they will say I am perfectly sane. These cops are morons.
Stay Tuned For Part 3 Of This Series...
-David Lee Chu Sarchet
Christian Mental Health Advocate
Check out the Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website
Check out the other Christ-Centered Mental Health Ministry Website
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